Search Results for: 2000-01-05

The Australian Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus introduced the Criminal Code Amendment (Deepfake Sexual Material) Bill 2024 to the parliament on Wednesday. Dreyfus and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese both contended that non-consensual deepfake sexually explicit materials are a “damaging and deeply distressing form of abuse” and therefore should attach serious criminal penalties. The bill has been [...]


Former Gambian Minister of Interior Ousman Sonko has been convicted of crimes against humanity by the Swiss Federal Criminal Court (FCC). The court found him guilty of numerous crimes committed between 2000 and 2016 under the regime of ex-President Yahya Jammeh, sentencing Sonko to 20 years in prison. This conviction marks the highest-ranking official ever sentenced [...]


The US House of Representatives passed a bill on Thursday that would restrict President Joe Biden’s ability to withhold weapons transfers to Israel, aiming to force the president to deliver certain weapons after he previously placed shipments on hold. The bill, known as the Israel Security Assistance Support Act, was crafted “o provide for the [...]


The Catholic Archdiocese of Quebec on Friday announced that their cardinal, Gérald Cyprien Lacroix, would be stepping down “temporarily…until the situation is clarified” after being named as an alleged perpetrator in the recently approved class action suit, Gaétan Bégin and Pierre Bolduc v. The Roman Catholic Archiepiscopal Corporation of Quebec and The Roman Catholic Archbishop of [...]


The current conflict engulfing Israel and Palestine raises significant issues of international law and policy. This is part one in an anticipated two-part series that will discuss some of the relevant legal questions before the International Criminal Court (ICC; Part I) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ; Part II).  With both courts located in [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled Wednesday to restrict the use of mifepristone, an abortion pill, by prohibiting its delivery by mail or prescription via telemedicine. However, the ruling will not take immediate effect due to an April ruling from the US Supreme Court temporarily protecting access to the drug. The [...]


To a U.S. immigrant who grew up (1972-1992) under a de facto dictatorship where election fraud and accepted discrimination were a societal norm, the concepts of fair and transparent elections, “All men are created equal,” and “equal opportunity …” were unfamiliar. They became a substitute of justice for the customary sense of helplessness. I felt [...]


The filibuster debate has focused on whether the rule facilitates or stifles negotiation and compromise. Of course, the rule – that 60 votes are required to end debate – doesn’t do either. It’s the norms that those subject to the rule adopt that matter.  When I was younger, it seemed, Congress adhered to a norm [...]