Search Results for: organized crime

The UK National Crime Agency (NCA) announced on Friday that two men were arrested and charged with immigration offenses over English Channel crossings which led to the death of five migrants on a beach in France, including a child. The charges against the two men include assisting unlawful immigration and attempting to arrive in the [...]


Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese, said Friday that violence against women is an “epidemic” in the country as thousands of people gathered in cities across Australia demanding tougher legislation on gender-based violence. In his announcement on X (formerly Twitter), Albanese said that “governments need to do better and as a society we need to [...]


Colombian Attorney General Luz Camargo temporarily suspended arrest warrants for nine members of the illegal armed group Second Marquetalia Thursday in an effort to aid ongoing peace talks. Camargo has this power under Resolution 65 of 2024, which emphasizes: According to Article of Decree number 1081 of 2015 the Attorney General of the Nation, [...]


The Hong Kong Legislative Council unanimously passed the Safeguarding National Security Bill recently. Both the Chinese National People’s Congress Standing Committee and the Hong Kong government have stressed that this enactment is a constitutional duty conferred on the government under Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law, which serves as Hong Kong’s mini-constitution. The [...]


The Madrid Prosecutor’s Office in Spain asked the court on Thursday to drop the case against Begoña Gomez, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s wife, for the alleged crime of peddling influence and corruption, sources told Spanish news source EFE. The prosecutors appealed a local court’s decision to open preliminary investigations into the links between Begoña Gomez [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported on Thursday that military forces in Burkina Faso executed at least 233 civilians in attacks on two villages. It labels the attacks as “among the worst army abuse in Burkina Faso since 2015.” These two mass killings occurred in the villages of Nondin and Soro on February 25. At the [...]


Ecuadorians voted to approve a number of security proposals from President Daniel Noboa on Sunday as the South American country experiences a surge in violence that has claimed the lives of multiple public officials, including a presidential candidate. Among the proposals was a proposition to amend Ecuador’s constitution to allow the country’s armed forces to [...]


Polish authorities arrested three people on Friday in relation to the attack on an ally of the late Russian dissident Alexei Navalny. Leonid Volkov was “brutally attacked” in mid-March outside his home in Lithuania, where he lives in exile. The arrests were announced by Polish Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, who released a statement on X [...]


An Italian court on Friday dismissed a long-running case against the rescue ship crews of three humanitarian organizations, who previously stood accused of aiding and abetting migrant smugglers while they were helping to rescue thousands of migrants off the coast of Libya and in the Mediterranean Sea.  The court in Trapani, Sicily threw out the [...]