Search Results for: jurisprudence

In New York State Pistol & Rifle Ass’n v. Bruen, decided last June, the Supreme Court issued one of the most unusual and dangerous opinions in American history. Clarence Thomas’ majority opinion instructed lower court judges to rely exclusively on history and tradition to resolve Second Amendment cases and to completely ignore the government’s asserted [...]


One year after the day Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscow’s aggression continues. The International Criminal Court, various nations, and advocacy groups from around the globe are investigating a flurry of international crimes attributed to the Kremlin. The list of crimes committed by the armed forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine is staggering. Over time, the [...]


In its steadily escalating war on Palestinian terror, Israel has a law-based responsibility to limit harm to Arab populations and a concurrent responsibility not to bring war-related suffering to its own populations. To clarify these intersecting obligations, this essay will focus on pertinent legal issues of insurgency, counterterrorism, and humanitarian international law in the Middle [...]


Canadian law students are reporting for JURIST on national and international developments in and affecting Canada. Mélanie Cantin is JURIST’s Chief Correspondent for Canada and a 2L at the University of Ottawa.  The Supreme Court of Canada heard arguments Tuesday in the case of Dickson v Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation. The ruling in this case [...]


The Chief Justice of India, D.Y. Chandrachud, has created a team to evaluate the “physical and functional access“ of the top court’s facilities to make them accessible to people with disabilities. The group will be chaired by Justice S. Ravindra Bhat of the Apex Court. The Supreme Court has charged its Supreme Court Committee on [...]


Hamline University in Minnesota has fired adjunct art professor Erika Lopez Prater for showing 14th-century paintings of the Prophet Muhammad in class. The University asserts that the professor’s act is Islamophobic and that bringing the artwork to the classroom with Muslim students breached the limits of academic freedom. The facts do not suggest that Professor [...]


Law students and lawyers in Afghanistan are filing reports with JURIST on the situation there after the Taliban takeover. Here, a Staff Correspondent for JURIST in Kabul reports on the first official publication of a Taliban decree in the country’s official gazette, published by the Afghanistan Ministry of Justice. For privacy and security reasons, we [...]


Indian law students are reporting for JURIST on law-related developments in and affecting India. This dispatch is from Nakul Rai Khurana, a law student at Jindal Global Law School.  In New Delhi Wednesday, President of India Draupadi Murmu swore-in the Honorable Justice Dr. D.Y. Chandrachud to become the 50th Chief Justice of India (‘CJI’). This [...]