Search Results for: european court of justice

Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik, found guilty of killing 77 people, mainly teenagers, in July 2011, lost his claim Thursday against the state to end his solitary confinement in prison. The trial for Breivik’s suit was held in January against the Norwegian Ministry of Justice over the conditions of his detention. The trial was [...]


Australian Federal MPs voted Wednesday in favour of a motion supporting the return of Wikileaks’ founder Jullian Assange to Australia, ahead of a US extradition hearing next week in London’s High Court of Justice. In an unprecedented show of political support for Assange, the Australian Parliament called upon the US and UK to bring the [...]


Alexei Navalny, a leading opposition figure in Russia, died in an Arctic prison colony, federal authorities said Friday. Navalny “felt unwell after taking a walk, and began to lose consciousness almost immediately. All necessary resuscitation efforts were made, and did not yield results. Doctors immediately pronounced the convict dead,” said a statement issued by Russia’s [...]


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Tuesday upheld the legality of Belgium’s Flemish and Walloon decrees which requires that all animals slaughtered for human consumption must be killed only after using proper stunning procedures to limit animal suffering and promote humane slaughtering practices. The law was previously upheld by the European Court of Justice, [...]


Thousands of protesters gathered in front of Slovakia’s Parliament, as well as almost 30 other Slovak cities, on Wednesday and Thursday to voice opposition to the passage of criminal reforms. Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico first announced the criminal reforms in December 2023. They passed through Parliament on Thursday via a fast-track procedure. The reforms will [...]


The European Commission on Wednesday launched an infringement procedure against Hungary regarding the country’s national sovereignty law passed last December, claiming the new legislation violates EU law. Hungary’s national assembly adopted its law on the protection of national sovereignty on December 12, 2023, and the law has been in force since December 22, 2023. The [...]


The Paris Criminal Court acquitted former justice minister François Bayrou for his alleged involvement in a fraudulent scheme that embezzled European public funds on Monday. However, the court found another eight defendants, including five former members of the European Parliament (MEPs) guilty and passed jail sentences ranging from ten to eighteen months. At issue in [...]


The Associated Press (AP) released an exclusive report Thursday revealing a secret US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) spying program that targeted top Venezuelan officials, including Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, despite the program’s potential illegality under international law. According to AP, the program, internally referred to as Operation Money Badger, has been ongoing since at least [...]