Search Results for: birth control

The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress in Beijing on Tuesday passed a new national security law (English) dramatically restricting freedom and autonomy within the region. The law remained unpublished until only an hour before it went into effect on Wednesday, and several arrests under the new regulations have already been made. Generally, the [...]


China expert Adrian Zenz reported Monday that Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities’ forced birth control policies targeting Uighur indigenous Muslim minority women may constitute genocide under Article II, Section D of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Article II of the Convention defines “genocide” as any act intended [...]


As the 2020 general election approaches, the Trump Administration and Republican-controlled states have ramped-up efforts to keep people of color from exercising their right to vote. Leaders of the Republican Party favor suppressing the votes of minority people, knowing they likely support Democratic candidates. In March 2020, The Guardian reported that Texas leads the South [...]


A lawsuit brought by a lesbian in China has raised the profile of same-sex parenting in a country where marriage rights are not recognized. Split from her partner last year, Zhang Peiyi is suing for custody of one of the children they parented together and visitation rights for the other. Zhang’s former partner is currently [...]


“What does not benefit the entire hive is no benefit to the bee.” -Marcus Aurelius, Meditations From the beginning, Donald Trump’s ideology of “America First” has been misconceived. In essence, any concocted presidential notion that exploitative and self-aggrandizing American postures can propel the United States in gainful directions is grievously fanciful. Looked at somewhat differently, [...]


The Supreme Court continued oral arguments by conference call on Wednesday, hearing both Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter and Paul Home v. Pennsylvania and Barr v. American Association of Political Consultants Inc. The first case involves the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) birth control mandate, which requires employers to provide health insurance that includes [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Tenth ruled Wednesday that Kansas’s voter registration rules, which required documentation of citizenship, were unconstitutional and violated federal law. The lawsuit had arisen as a challenge to former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s well-publicized push to tighten control over voter rolls. But the state’s arguments about the [...]