Search Results for: Skilling

James Joseph is a UK staff correspondent for JURIST. Building on JURIST coverage dating back to September, the Criminal Bar Association’s Spokesperson has spoken directly with me to release further information on Saturday’s announcement in relation to the increase of prosecution fees to match those of defence advocates. The full details are below: Kirsty Brimelow [...]


With New Zealand passing the Plain Language Act, bidding farewell to inexplicable jargon and complex language from its bureaucracy, it’s time India considers passing similar legislation. Indian laws have frequently been criticized for their poor and archaic drafting that makes them difficult to comprehend. The reluctance of Indian lawmakers to depart from traditional practises of [...]


It’s become increasingly clear that Australia could be in breach of its human rights commitments as reports of mistreatment continue to emerge from youth detention centers in Western Australia. On January 12, a class action involving more than 500 young children and adults who have been held in Western Australia’s Banksia Hill detention center was [...]


The Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Commission Monday released a report detailing 7,000 complaints—including sexual misconduct, serious injury, abuse and neglect—in connection with the supported accommodation services, specifically group homes. Australia’s independent multiplatform media company Disability Support Guide says the number of complaints equates to one in three residents experiencing a reportable incident. “There [...]


Five Connecticut police officers charged with being responsible for an arrestee’s paralysis Wednesday pleaded not guilty in a Connecticut state court. The incident left a 36-year-old African American man, Richard “Randy” Cox, paralyzed from the neck down. Officer Luis Rivera, Officer Jocelyn Lavandier, Officer Ronald Pressley, Sergeant Betsy Segui, and Officer Oscar Diaz were indicted [...]


Nepal is a least developed, land-locked Himalayan country wedged between India and China. After a long period of instability, it adopted a new constitution in 2015, creating a multi-party federal republic. Previously Nepal had been a unitary state, albeit with a long period of political instability and insurgency. The first election under the Constitution was [...]


Aynsley Genga is a JURIST Staff Correspondent in Kenya. She reports from Nairobi.  Kenyan President William Ruto held an inaugural interview (video here and here) last Wednesday where he invited the media to State House to discuss and clarify various matters affecting Kenyans at the moment. The interview received quite a reaction from Kenyans, especially [...]


Law students and lawyers in Afghanistan are filing reports with JURIST on the situation there after the Taliban takeover. Here, a Staff Correspondent for JURIST in Kabul reports on the Taliban closure of Afghan universities to women. For privacy and security reasons, we are withholding our Correspondent’s name. The text has only been lightly edited [...]