Search Results for: 2012-07-26

On the day President Obama signed the legislation into law, several lawsuits were filed in federal courts nationwide challenging its constitutionality. These lawsuits raised many different arguments, but the central claims underlying all of the cases are enumerated below under...


Under the auspices of combating terror, the Bush administration took many steps following 9/11 that according to some have curtailed civil rights. Chief among these was the passage of the USA Patriot Act of 2001, which was signed by Bush...


The invasion of Iraq was an initial military success and led to complete destruction of Saddam Hussein's regime. The military forces established the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) on April 21, 2003, citing UN Security Resolution 1483 as justification for its...


Protests in Syria began as candlelight vigils in early February 2011, a sympathetic response to the escalating rebellion in Egypt. HRW released the first reports of violence against demonstrators on February 9, 2011, and stated that Syrian activists were urging...


Today, there are 32 states in the US that require voters to present identification at the polls in order to vote, including 17 states that have passed laws requiring a photo ID. Voter ID laws have become increasingly controversial as...


The Fifteenth Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees that "he right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous...


The independent state actions regarding same-sex marriage and the federal controversy over DOMA have given rise to a great deal of litigation over the legitimacy of same-sex marriage. The most prominent of these is the case challenging the California same-sex...


On September 21, 1996, President Bill Clinton signed DOMA into law. The act defines marriage as between one man and one woman for the purpose of excluding homosexual couples from the institution of marriage. DOMA also exempts state-recognized same-sex marriages...