Search Results for: thailand

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) denounced on Friday Macau’s decision to expand their national security law, which takes effect this week. The effect of these changes, according to RSF, “increases the pressure on journalists and further threatens the residents’ right to information.” Macau’s National Security Law defines seven crimes that can result in a maximum sentence [...]


Thailand’s Central Juvenile and Family Court ordered Thursday the release of Thanalop “Yok” Phalanchai, a 15-year-old girl who was detained in the Ban Pranee Juvenile Vocational Training Centre for Girls. Yok, who was arrested on March 28 and detained for a total of 51 days, was charged under Section 112 of Thailand’s Criminal Code for [...]


As an underdeveloped country, Myanmar has long been vulnerable to corporate crimes. Since the country’s transition to democracy in 2010, it has faced pressure to implement effective reforms and regulations for companies, particularly in relation to foreign investments. One crucial aspect of these reforms has been the protection of human rights (HR) violated by corporations. [...]


Thailand’s two major pro-democracy opposition parties—Move Forward Party and Pheu Thai—won a landslide in national elections on Sunday. The result reflected Thai voters’ rejection of the military-backed government, which has dominated the political scene for nearly a decade. According to a forecast on Monday, the Move Forward Party, whose reformist ideology grew in popularity among [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) Friday called on Thai authorities to release a 15-year-old student activist who was detained after allegedly defaming the nation’s monarchy. Thanalop “Yok” Phalanchai was arrested in Bangkok on 28 March after police accused her of criticising the monarchy during a protest rally in October 2022. She was later charged with lèse-majesté [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) Saturday called on Thailand’s government to ensure Christian Chinese asylum seekers are not returned to China amidst persecution and threats of torture and serious harm. Thai authorities arrested the asylum seekers for visa overstays, but according to Human Rights Watch, any deportations could put the asylum seekers’ lives at risk. The [...]


The US Department of Defense (DoD) Thursday confirmed the release from Guantanamo Bay of Majid Khan, a former money courier for al-Qaeda. The release follows a transfer agreement between the US and Belize. The deal, which will see the Central American country of Belize house Khan within its borders, is the first of its kind [...]


Last month, Indonesia made headlines by passing a new criminal code known as the Rivisi Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana (RKUHP). The code includes a number of controversial provisions, including outlawing acts such as defaming the president and expressing views antithetical to state ideology. However, the provision that has received the most attention is the criminalization [...]


Nepal is a least developed, land-locked Himalayan country wedged between India and China. After a long period of instability, it adopted a new constitution in 2015, creating a multi-party federal republic. Previously Nepal had been a unitary state, albeit with a long period of political instability and insurgency. The first election under the Constitution was [...]


United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Tuesday urged countries in Andaman Sea region to step up for helping rescue Rohingya Muslims stranded at sea. In contrast, the UNHCR welcomed Indonesian fishermen’s–in concert with local authorities’–actions which saved 58 people Sunday and 174 people Monday. UNHCR Representative to Indonesia, Ann Maymann, thanked the local communities [...]