Search Results for: scheme

UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery Tomoya Obokata warned the UK government that reports of forced labor under the country’s seasonal worker scheme could amount to potential breaches of international law, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) said on Friday. The seasonal worker scheme was introduced in 2019 to remedy labor shortages that [...]


Singapore’s Ministry of Law and Ministry of Home Affairs introduced the Criminal Procedure (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2024 into Parliament, aiming to institute new rules for forensic medical examinations (FME) and allowing for the indefinite detention of serious sexual offenders. The bill defines an FMEs as “physical medical examinations, collection of body samples from any body [...]


The Hong Kong trial of prominent pro-democracy activist and media mogul Jimmy Lai has garnered widespread attention globally. Lai, a 76-year-old British citizen and high-profile critic of Beijing, faces national security charges, and his trial is expected to take months. Lai is a prominent figure in Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement. His detention and subsequent trial exemplify [...]


The Hong Kong Transport Department refined the application process for issuing Certificate of Particulars of Vehicle to journalists on Monday. The new process requires journalists to apply under “exceptional circumstances” through a written submission to the Commissioner for Transport when the obtainment of certificates involves significant public interest. Local media Now News reported their failed [...]


The UK’s Metropolitan Police confirmed to The Times on Friday that it launched an investigation into the Post Office over the “widest miscarriage of justice in British history” that saw hundreds of postmasters falsely accused of theft and prosecuted. The investigation concerns potential fraud charges and stemmed from an ITV drama, Mr Bates vs The [...]


On October 2, 2023, Ukraine’s High Anti-Corruption Court granted a $360,000 reward to a whistleblower in a corruption case involving an attempted $6 million bribe—the biggest reported bribe attempt in Ukraine’s history. This reward marks the first payment to a whistleblower under the Law of Ukraine on the Prevention of Corruption, a major piece of [...]


The US Department of Justice (DOJ) arrested and charged Karrem Nasr, an American citizen residing in Egypt since July 2023, for attempting to provide support to al-Shabaab. Nasr, a resident of New Jersey, traveled to Kenya with the intent to join al-Shabaab, al-Qaeda’s branch in East Africa, following Hamas’ attack in southern Israel on October [...]


The Chinese embassy in Myanmar urged all Chinese nationals on Thursday to leave northern Myanmar, which borders China’s Yunnan Province and Tibet Autonomous Region. The embassy’s statement came as military operations between the ruling junta in Naypyidaw and rebel ethnic armed forces coalition known as the Three Brotherhood Alliance continues in northern Myanmar.  Deputy Director [...]


As we prepare to usher in 2024, the outlook on Alabama’s administration of the death penalty holds many terrible knowns, and an even greater number of grim unknowns. At the top of any capital punishment-watcher’s list: Is Alabama really going to move forward with the first state-sanctioned nitrogen gassing execution in US history? If all goes according [...]