Search Results for: offshore

Fourteen US states filed suit Wednesday over the Biden administration’s pause of the federal Oil and Gas Leasing Program. President Joe Biden ordered a “temporary moratorium” on the program on January 21 so that the Department of the Interior could conduct a “comprehensive analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the oil and gas program.” The Department hosted a virtual [...]


The former chief of staff for ex-Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, Keith Schembri, was arraigned in court Saturday on charges of money-laundering, fraud and corruption. The charges were brought following a magisterial inquiry into payment of €650,000 from Schembri to the former managing director of Allied Newspapers, Ltd., Adrian Hillman, when the news company had [...]


The Department of Justice (DoJ) and Audrey Strauss, the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced Thursday that Zurich’s oldest private bank, Rahn+Bodmer (R+B), admitted to aiding US taxpayers evade their US tax obligations and defraud the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), by hiding hundreds of millions of dollars in offshore bank accounts. US [...]


The United States has an invaluable asset: the rule of law and its historic role in protecting property rights. This essay highlights the fragile nature of this asset and explains why protecting this asset—particularly in the eyes of foreign investors—must be a priority for a new Biden administration (as it should be for the remainder [...]


The Israeli Cabinet unanimously approved a peace agreement with the United Arab Emirates on Monday—the first peace agreement that Israel has signed in more than 25 years. Israeli Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu explained that the agreement will open the door to trade between Israel and its neighbors, leading to a major geopolitical and economic turning [...]


US President Donald Trump has issued a memorandum that extends the current moratorium on offshore drilling on Florida’s Gulf and Atlantic coasts. This memo also extended the moratorium to the coasts of Georgia and South Carolina. Under the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006, Florida’s gulf waters are protected from offshore drilling until 2022. [...]


The Supreme Court created quite a stir recently when it held in Bostock v. Clayton Country, Georgia that Title VII, the major federal anti-employment-discrimination law, protected gay and transgender employees on the same basis as heterosexual employees. Deciding three companion cases involving different employees, the Court filled a major gap in employee protection – most [...]


The Senate on Wednesday voted 73-25 to approve a public land conservation bill. The vote delivers a rare bipartisan win for the often politically gridlocked legislature. The bill, titled the Great American Outdoors Act, was first introduced in March and will provide additional funding from oil, gas, coal, or alternative renewable energy revenues to the Land and [...]


A federal judge issued an order Tuesday allowing a case filed by South Carolina against the Trump administration over seismic testing for offshore oil exploration to proceed. Judge Richard Gergel dismissed several of South Carolina’s legal arguments but allowed the case to proceed under their claim that Trump’s executive order authorizing the exploration exceeded his [...]


UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet called Tuesday for changes to Australian migration and asylum laws. In a speech at the Australian Human Rights Commission conference, Bachelet called for a national conversation to develop a platform to be presented at Australia’s Universal Periodic Review in front of the UN Human Rights Council. The [...]