Search Results for: financial reform

University staff across Australia are striking from Monday as academics protest for improved job security, manageable workloads and wages in line with the increased cost of living. The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) Monday announced the National Week of Action for Better Universities and Better Workplaces, which will see university staff partake in demonstrations, enterprise [...]


France’s Constitutional Council Friday approved President Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform law amid protests and anger towards the reform. Earlier this week one of JURIST’s staff members from Paris, France warned of renewed protests if the council approved the pension reform. Following the approval, protesters did just that, taking to the streets of France to express their [...]


James Joseph is UK Senior Correspondent for JURIST. On May 2, 2023, Irish criminal barristers plan to go on strike in response to the crisis in funding for Irish criminal legal aid. The barristers are protesting the failure of the Irish government to comply with Ireland’s “Rule of Law obligations” by downing tools in what [...]


The US Supreme Court Monday issued an order list announcing it will hear two additional cases this term. The two cases are Pulsifer v. United States and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau v. Community Financial Services Association of America, Limited. In the first case, petitioners ask the justices to consider the meaning of the First Step Act [...]


In November 2022, a petition was filed before the Supreme Court of India to allow legal recognition of marriages between same-sex couples under the Special Marriage Act, 1954 (“SMA”). The petitioner in Supriyo @ Supriya Chakraborty v. Union of India (“Supriyo”) has been in a committed relationship for ten years and is living with his [...]


The Australian federal government Monday released the second part of its plan to help accelerate the implementation of the Closing the Gap Agreement made in 2020. This agreement seeks to resolve the disparity that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been subject to through political exclusion, intergenerational trauma, and ongoing institutional racism. The original [...]


Many experts believe that corruption in Ukraine has a systemic nature and negatively affects the internal and external processes of the country’s development and, as a result, its position in the geopolitical environment. Since gaining independence, Ukraine has created various mechanisms to prevent corruption. Calls for the need to use lustration as one of the [...]


A critical attribute of tyranny is its multi-faced character. We are familiar with tyranny with its domestic face, and it is largely understood that this domestic face often turns outward through war and imperialism. That tyranny turns about-face back to the domestic sphere as the laws, policies and practices of external tyranny return to roost [...]