Search Results for: emergency law

Between 2022 and 2024, Pakistan’s political landscape was dominated by dramatic events and shifting power balances. Following Imran Khan’s resignation as Prime Minister in April 2022 due to a vote of no confidence, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party faced tremendous hurdles and internal divides. Despite his ouster, Khan maintained widespread support and a loyal following, [...]


The Tennessee Senate passed a bill Thursday that would require public schools to show a fetal development video comparable to one produced by an anti-abortion group to its students. SB 2767 will require public schools’ family life curriculum to include a three-minute “high-quality, computer-generated animation or high-definition ultrasound” that shows the development of vital organs [...]


UN International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) revealed Wednesday the use of indiscriminate landmines in Myanmar has caused an increase in civilian casualties, with over 20 percent of them being children. Civilians in Myanmar have suffered from a total of 1,052 casualties from landmine and explosive ordnances in 2023, alone. According to UNICEF, amidst the recent [...]


Polish President Andrzej Duda on Friday vetoed a proposed amendment to the Pharmaceutical Law that would allow young women aged 15 and up to purchase emergency contraception pills without a prescription. The president’s office stated the reasoning behind the decision was “the will to respect constitutional rights and the standard of health protection of children.” [...]


The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit Tuesday challenging an Ohio ban on gender-affirming health care for transgender minors. The organization filed the suit along with the ACLU of Ohio and Goodwin, a global law firm, on behalf of two families whose children are at risk of losing access to such care. The ACLU [...]


Marissa Zupancic is JURIST’s Washington DC Correspondent, a JURIST Senior Editor and a 3L at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. She’s stationed in Washington during her Semester in DC. Today I attended oral arguments at the US Supreme Court for Food and Drug Administration v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine. The case concerns whether the [...]


Two suspects of the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack appeared before Moscow’s district court on Sunday. On Friday, camouflage-clad individuals opened fire on a crowded concert hall and shopping complex just outside of Moscow before setting the structure ablaze, according to local official statements and media reports. Russian security services identified the suspects as two nationals from [...]


Recently, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC or Red Cross) has been accused of facilitating payments to accused terrorists captured and held by Israel in the ongoing Hamas-Israel conflict. The ICRC denies this claim. The ICRC has a blemished record, disturbingly far from its professed humanitarian mandate. A journalistic investigation conducted by ProPublica [...]