Search Results for: deported

US President Joe Biden issued a directive on Wednesday allowing for Palestinian immigrants to say in the US without facing deportation for 18 months. Palestinian immigrants within the US are now covered under “deferred enforced departure,” which aims to provide a “temporary safe haven” for Palestinians who qualify. However, individuals convicted of felonies or deemed [...]


German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced Tuesday that a package of new measures will be considered to tackle the rise of far-right extremism. These new measures are part of a 13-point plan and are both preventive and repressive. They include the financial tracking of right-wing extremist groups in addition to the creation of a special unit [...]


A report released by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on Tuesday highlights human rights violations and abuses endured by Syrians upon their return to Syria. The report outlines a combination of challenges awaiting returnees, including general insecurity in the aftermath of the civil war, as well as ongoing violations [...]


Amnesty International (AI) reported that Russia sentenced 33 Ukrainian soldiers in the Supreme Court of the Luhansk People’s Republic in Russian-occupied Luhansk on Monday for “alleged war crimes.” Russian authorities captured the soldiers as prisoners of war (POWs). Their sentences range from twenty-seven to twenty-nine years. AI reported that Russian authorities prosecuted the POWs for [...]


Three Cambodian activists arrested in Thailand will not be deported to their home country, deputy police chief Surachate Hakparn told Reuters on Wednesday. Hakparn said the detainees would be resettled in a third country but will “definitely” not be sent back to Cambodia. The announcement came during Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manet’s visit to Bangkok, [...]


Germany’s Constitutional Court ruled Tuesday that one of the country’s most extreme political parties, Die Heimat, or The Homeland, will be excluded from state funding, furthering the heated debate over the legal restriction of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Die Heimat, previously known as Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD), is a neo-nazi, ultranationalist party [...]


In the lead-up to a highly-anticipated ruling from France’s Highest Constitutional Court that must be delivered before Thursday, hundreds of thousands gathered across the country to protest against President Emmanuel Macron’s proposed immigration law reform package. The reforms, supported by France’s far-right and Macron alike, seek to expand the power for authorities to deport non-citizens [...]


The resumption of any kind of negotiations or diplomatic ties with the Taliban should come with principles and conditions. Such conditions should be no less than those enshrined in the fundamental principle of human rights and dignity and expected in a multi-ethnic and democratic country. Afghanistan cannot afford to settle for anything less than the [...]