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Australia and Tuvalu released a joint statement Thursday announcing new commitments to improve security relations and remove the veto power Australia previously had over the tiny island nation’s security relations with other countries. The announcement addressed the implementation and interpretation of the Falepili Union, a bilateral treaty which was entered into on November 9, 2023 [...]


NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF) released a 67-page report Tuesday detailing its findings from monitoring the 2022 US midterm election and showcasing strategies to combat racial inequality during upcoming election cycles. The report, entitled Democracy Defended, specifically focused on voter experiences in seven of the nation’s southern states: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, [...]


Inadequate protections by the de-facto Taliban authorities in Afghanistan continue to leave the Shia-Hazara community at risk and contribute to their plight, according a report released Friday by Human Rights Watch (HRW). The report highlighted that endless conflict in the country continues to affect the lives of many marginalized communities in the country, particularly Hazaras [...]


UNESCO awarded Thursday its World Press Freedom Prize to all of the Palestinian journalists covering Gaza. This prize honors media workers promoting press freedom, especially in areas facing wars. While the deaths of 26 journalists during their work were condemned and deplored by UNESCO since October 2023, it has been supporting media workers who report from [...]


Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida unveiled on Thursday an international framework for the regulation and use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) during a meeting at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris. “enerative AI has the potential to be a vital tool to further enrich the world. AI will make great contributions [...]


Türkiye Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan announced Wednesday the country will be joining South Africa’s case against Israel in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in a press conference with Indonesian counterpart. Fidan stated on X (formerly Twitter) Türkiye will continue to stand by Palestinians and work to bring the perpetrators of the massacre [...]


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced a staff-level agreement with Mali on Tuesday, providing emergency funds to address food insecurity in the central and northern regions of Mali. The agreement follows extensive discussions between IMF officials and Malian authorities in Washington DC, as well as a visit by IMF economists to Bamako, Mali’s capital, earlier [...]


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Tuesday declined to impose preliminary measures against Germany in a case centering on its support for Israel amid ongoing hostilities in Gaza. The case was brought before the ICJ by Nicaragua, which accuses Germany of having breached its obligations under the Genocide Convention and other instruments of international [...]


The Iraqi Council of Representatives passed a law Saturday criminalizing same sex relationships and transgender individuals. The law has garnered widespread criticism from human rights groups and diplomats across the world. The Anti-Prostitution and Homosexuality Law amends a previous law from 1988. It provides prison sentences and fines for most of its offenses. Anyone convicted [...]