Search Results for: US Congress

The US Department of State decided on Friday to prevent former President of Suriname Desi Bouterse and six former Surinamese military officials from entering the US because they were involved in the “extrajudicial killings of political opponents during the December Murders of 1982.” According to a statement published by the State Department, Desi Bouterse, six [...]


The US House of Representatives passed on Friday a two-year reauthorization of an expiring warrantless surveillance law that had been stalled earlier in the week. The passed bill extends a contentious provision called Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, also known as FISA. Wiretapping for national security investigations involving Americans or individuals within [...]


The US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced a plan Thursday to expand background check requirements for gun dealers. The goal of the plan is to close loopholes for gun shows and online sales while simultaneously expanding the definition for firearm dealers required to be licensed. The rules, which fulfill provisions in the 2022 Bipartisan Safer [...]


Former US President Donald Trump credited himself with overturning the landmark reproductive rights case Roe v. Wade and accused Democrats of advocating for the killing of newborn babies before calling for national unity in an abortion position statement released Monday morning. “Many people have asked me what my position is on abortion and abortion rights, [...]


Brazil Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes opened a criminal inquiry on Sunday into X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk for possible obstruction of justice and incitement after the tech magnate defied a previous Supreme Court (STF) order to block access to undisclosed accounts. Moraes’s decision comes amid an ongoing disinformation inquiry and an STF [...]


The Indian Supreme Court stayed the Uttar Pradesh state’s Allahabad High Court’s (AHC) order on Friday, holding Uttar Pradesh state legislation for the establishment and regulation of Islamic education schools, called Madarsas, is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court bench, comprising the Chief Justice of India (CJI), stayed the AHC order while hearing a batch of petitions against [...]


Several advocacy groups on Thursday sued Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall, Alabama’s 42 District Attorneys, and Alabama Secretary of Stae Wes Allen to block the state’s recently enacted Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), which would directly target, restrict, and severely penalize certain engagement measures that would enable broader access to the right to vote. SB [...]


Radio Free Asia’s (RFA) president, Bay Fang, announced Friday that the news organization has already closed its Hong Kong bureau and will “no longer have full-time personnel in Hong Kong” due to safety concerns after the enactment of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance. The statement cited actions by Hong Kong authorities, who have referred to [...]


The French National Assembly passed a bill on Thursday banning discrimination over the texture, length, color or style of a person’s hair on first reading. The bill will now go to the Senate for further approval. The proposed bill aims to amend the wording of existing anti-discrimination measures adopted in the labor code, penal code and [...]