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The last three survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, Lessie Benningfield Randle, Viola Fletcher and Hughes Van Ellis Sr., have criticized Friday’s Oklahoma state court dismissal of their lawsuit seeking restitution for themselves and the descendants of those affected by the massacre. They plan to appeal. Randle, Fletcher and Van Ellis, all over 100 [...]


The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal finished hearing submissions from parties on Thursday in a case involving the constitutionality of Hong Kong’s preclusion of same-sex marriage. This is the first time the top Hong Kong court dealing directly with the homosexual couples’ right to marry. The applicant, Jimmy Sham, also happens to be a [...]


The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal quashed the conviction of journalist Choi Yuk-ling on Monday regarding her investigation into the 2019 Yuen Long attack. The court unanimously quashed Choi’s conviction by adopting a more liberal approach, which took into account Choi’s journalistic background. The court contended that the liberal approach is preferable to protect [...]


This is the third article in a series covering attacks on the rule of law.  The rule of law is a political philosophy premised on the promise that all people, systems and institutions are accountable to the same laws, processes and norms that work together to support equality before the law.  This series argues that [...]


In its steadily escalating war on Palestinian terror, Israel has a law-based responsibility to limit harm to Arab populations and a concurrent responsibility not to bring war-related suffering to its own populations. To clarify these intersecting obligations, this essay will focus on pertinent legal issues of insurgency, counterterrorism, and humanitarian international law in the Middle [...]


The Hong Kong Final Court of Appeal Monday ruled that policies requiring transgender men to undergo full sex re-assignment surgery (SRS) to alter gender markers on their Hong Kong ID cards are unconstitutional and quashed the decisions of previous courts. After hearing the submissions from both sides in January, the court held that the Commissioner [...]


The Hong Kong Final Court of Appeal Wednesday heard submissions by two transgender men appealing a January 2022 High Court decision, which upheld a government policy requiring transgender persons to undergo genital reconstruction surgery before changing the sex on their identity cards. The court reserved the ruling to a later date. In their oral submission, [...]


The Republic of Croatia Wednesday filed a declaration of intervention in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) case of Ukraine v. Russian Federation under Article 63 of the ICJ Statute. Human rights experts worldwide have accused Russia of genocide since its invasion of Ukraine. Amnesty International documented that more than 14 million people have been [...]