Search Results for: Afghanistan war

United Kingdom (UK) Defense Secretary Ben Wallace announced Wednesday that UK Special Forces are the focus of an inquiry into allegations of “unlawful activity” in Afghanistan between 2010 and 2013. The independent inquiry, which Wallace commissioned in 2022, addresses allegations that the response by Royal Military Police investigating whether unlawful killings had been carried out [...]


The US State Department released 24 pages of its 85-page After Action Review (AAR) report Friday on the controversial US withdrawal from Afghanistan. The remaining 61 pages of the report are still classified. The AAR states that, “Many observers had long predicted that the withdrawal of U.S. military forces and those of our allies and [...]


Economist and foreign policy expert Jeffrey Sachs, a best selling author and director of Columbia University’s Center for Sustainable Development, has long argued that Russia’s hostility toward Ukraine was provoked by the U.S. vis-à-vis pushes for NATO expansion, military interventions, and other forms of meddling. In an interview with JURIST Assistant Editor Pitasanna Shanmugathas, Sachs [...]


Scarcely three years after the largest protests against racism in U.S. history, a majority of the Supreme Court this week is expected to declare acts of racial consciousness in college admissions unlawful. At oral argument for the two cases, six justices were openly dismissive of the notion that more than three centuries of de jure [...]


The Afghanistan Independent Bar Association (AIBA) was founded in 2008 with the aim of promoting fair trials, enhancing public trust in the legal profession, fostering collaboration among justice sector stakeholders, fostering the next generation of committed legal professionals, and combating administrative corruption in a country ravaged by war. The Association spurred the rise of a [...]


Under the current conditions in Afghanistan, delivering humanitarian aid seems not only a noble endeavor but also an imperative. However, there are challenges for humanitarian actors. Most of the challenges stem from restrictions created by the Taliban, the disastrous situation of the country, the difficulty of reaching out to a large population, and dangers and [...]


The United States warned the Australian Defence Force (ADF) that it may need to end its alliance with Australia’s Special Air Service Regiment because of allegations of war crime committed by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan, according to Wednesday testimony from General Angus Campbell to the Australian Senate. Campbell stated that he “received a letter from [...]


Australia’s most decorated living war veteran, Ben Roberts-Smith resigned Friday from his position with Seven West Media following a guilty verdict in a historic defamation case against multiple news companies, who accused Roberts-Smith of committing war crimes during his enlistment in Afghanistan. The Sydney Morning Herald published the first group of articles about Roberts-Smith on [...]


Amnesty International and the International Commission for Jurists (ICJ) highlighted in a report released Friday that the Taliban crackdown on Afghan women’s rights could amount to gender persecution under international law. The report noted that the Taliban regime’s actions include “imprisonment, enforced disappearance, torture and other ill-treatment,” opening them up to potential prosecution within the [...]


Hannah Neumann, a German member of the European Parliament (MEP) and an advocate for women’s rights, recently traveled to Afghanistan for the second consecutive year, gaining firsthand insights into the country’s devolution under Taliban rule. As a prominent figure in the European Parliament, her experiences on the ground and work within the legislative body shed [...]