Search Results for: 2016-06-21

The New York Times ran a front-page story on October 21, 2018 with the headline: “‘Transgender’ Could be Defined out of Existence under Trump Administration.” The story reported that “the Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth.” Other than Caitlyn Jenner, who had maintained a [...]


On September 17, 2018, the U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly (99-1) in support of the Opioid Crisis Response Act (OCRA) of 2018. OCRA proposes a series of measures addressing the devastating, long-term impacts of opioid addiction and abuse nationally. Building on efforts previously authorized in 2016 via the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) and the [...]


California was the 5th state to explicitly permit mentally competent terminally ill patients to obtain a prescription from their physician for medication the patient may ingest to achieve a peaceful death, a medical practice known as aid in dying. This option appeals to some patients who find themselves trapped in a protracted dying process, where [...]


Here's the domestic legal news we covered this week: Massachusetts' top court on Friday ruled against Exxon's request to ban the state's attorney general from investigating whether the oil conglomerate knew of the effect fossil fuels have on...


JURIST Guest Columnist Lauren A. Rousseau of the Western Michigan University Cooley Law School discusses the impact that the onslaught of litigation against the pharmaceutical industry could have on the opioid epidemic...According to the federal Centers for Disease Control, over...


JURIST Guest Columnist Chris Jones-Pauly discusses the misunderstandings regarding the indigenous laws of South Sudan in the context of transitional justice. In December 2013 South Sudan exploded into civil war, three years after the South's secession. The initial protagonists are...