Search Results for: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"same-sex marriage\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"

This article is the first in a series on attacks on the rule of law. The rule of law is a political philosophy premised on the promise that all citizens, leaders, and institutions are accountable to the same laws, guaranteed through processes, practices, and norms that work together to support the equality of all citizens [...]


Uganda’s Parliament Tuesday unanimously passed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2023, a bill that would make the “promotion” of homosexuality punishable by 20 years’ imprisonment and homosexual sex acts punishable by life imprisonment. It also allows the death penalty for engaging in “aggravated acts of homosexuality,” which is when one of the persons has HIV or a [...]


Indian law students are reporting for JURIST on law-related developments in and affecting India. This dispatch is from Nakul Rai Khurana, a law student at Jindal Global Law School. Last Monday India’s Supreme Court announced that a five-judge bench will preside over a batch of matters concerning the constitutionality of same-sex marriages in the country, [...]


In a Wednesday article for the National Review, US Fifth Circuit Judge James Ho and US Eleventh Circuit Judge Elizabeth Branch called for law schools to “crackdown” on punishments for law student protestors. Ho and Branch argued that universities that allow their students to “disrupt without consequences” promote intolerance. While many universities have policies in [...]


The so-called Anti-Homosexuality Bill, introduced to Uganda’s parliament on Thursday, seeks to ban all forms of homosexual relations, as well as vaguely described “related matters.” Under the legislation, introduced by Member of Parliament Asuman Basalirwa, individuals convicted of the “offense of homosexuality” would face 10 years in prison. Notably, this offense includes not only sexual [...]


Aynsley Genga is a JURIST Staff Correspondent in Kenya.  The Supreme Court of Kenya ruled last Friday that denying LGBTQ individuals the right to associate in a registered NGO to advance their collective interest was discriminatory. This came after a 10-year battle that began back in 2013 when the lower court originally denied potential members [...]


Eight Republicans in the Iowa House of Representatives Tuesday introduced a bill that would ban amend the state constitution and ban same-sex marriage in the state. The amendment would stipulate that “In accordance with the laws of nature and nature’s God, the state of Iowa recognizes the definition of marriage to be the solemnized union [...]