Search Results for: US Congress

Speaking Friday in Michigan at the end of a three-day policy campaign dedicated to tort reform, President Bush called for a halt to asbestos lawsuits that he said have bankrupted companies and resulted in dramatic cost and tax increases....


The US Senate and House of Representatives Thursday rapidly approved a bill that would give a tax break to donors to tsunami relief efforts by allowing them to claim deductions in the 2004 tax year for donations made prior...


Jack Balkin, Yale Law School:"The hearings on the nomination of Alberto Gonzales to be Attorney General of the United States have begun. Will no one in Congress say what should be obvious? That Gonzales has brought shame on our country...


Kenneth Anderson, Washington College of Law, American University:"I have caught just bits and pieces of the Gonzales confirmation hearings for Attorney General today. In general, he does not seem to have faced especially bitter attack - on the contrary, I...


Report on Global Anti-Semitism, July 1, 2003 — December 15, 2004, submitted by the Department of State to the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on International Relations in accordance with Section 4 of PL 108-332, December 30, 2004,...


President Bush has signed into law a bill that permits the imposition of US sanctions on Sudan in response to the violence in Darfur, which the US has on several occasions characterized as genocide. The legislation, passed by Congress...