Search Results for: yemen

Talks in China between Iran and Saudi Arabia Friday concluded with the two countries agreeing to re-establish diplomatic relations. In a statement, the two nations expressed their desire to “resolve the disagreements between them through dialogue and diplomacy.” The main goal in the re-opening of relations is to “enhancregional and international peace and security.” Under [...]


The UN Secretary-General António Guterres Monday led a pledging event to raise funds to address the escalating humanitarian crisis in Yemen which has been ongoing since 2014. UN Relief Coordinator Martin Griffith praised the 31 pledgees who contributed a total of $1.16 billion in funds, despite falling short of the UN’s goal of $4.3 billion. [...]


Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Thursday released their annual report summarizing violence and abuse against journalists. The organization reports that a total of 533 journalists are currently detained because of their work, 65 are held hostage and another 57 have been killed in the past year. RSF Secretary-General Christophe Deloire said of the report’s findings: This [...]


The United Nations Human Rights Chief Friday denounced the Houthi movement for committing war crimes in Yemen. According to UN Human Rights Chief Volker Türk, the UN Human Rights Office has verified three incidents of shelling in government-controlled areas that killed a boy and a man and wounded others. The office also verified three incidents of [...]


“That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. This is the entire Torah; the rest is commentary…: Rabbi Hillel, Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 31a Israel’s continuous support for Donald J. Trump represents a grim irony of Jewish history. Even before the latest revelations concerning this former president’s anti-Semitic outbursts (that is, his [...]


JURIST Deputy Features Editor Jaimee Francis talked with Shai Dromi, author of Above the Fray: The Red Cross and the Construction of the Humanitarian Relief Sector (University of Chicago Press, 2022) and co-author of Moral Minefields: How Sociologists Debate Good Science (University of Chicago Press, forthcoming), about his research on the impact of non-governmental organizations [...]


During the Barack Obama presidency, the Justice Department prepared a 16-page unsigned, undated “White Paper” that outlined the administration’s legal reasoning justifying unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-targeted killings of terrorism suspects if an informed high-level official decided that the target was a high-ranking al-Qaida figure or affiliate who posed an imminent threat of violent attack against [...]


United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres Monday announced that the UN will investigate the killing and wounding of children in Ukraine, Ethiopia, and Mozambique over the coming year. The UN Secretary General Annual Report on Children and Armed Conflict is released each year and details the amount of children affected by violent global conflicts. According [...]