Search Results for: recount

Greek Minister for Migration Notis Mitarachi Monday announced that the Syrian refugees trapped on an islet in the Evros river between Greece and Turkey have been located and a boat was provided to transport them. The refugees’ plight has attracted international attention after Turkey abandoned them there on August 8 after being transported back and [...]


A group of legal and political experts Monday testified before the US House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol that former President Donald Trump’s allegations of voter fraud during the 2020 presidential election are unsubstantiated. The second day of publicized hearings included testimony from Trump senior advisor Jason [...]


The US Supreme Court Tuesday issued an order temporarily blocking the counting of some Pennsylvania mail-in ballots that do not have a handwritten date on their declaration forms. This US Supreme Court ruling, which did not include the Court’s reasoning, could affect the close Republican US Senate primary election in Pennsylvania between David McCormick and [...]


Republican US Senate candidate David McCormick Monday brought a lawsuit asking a Pennsylvania court to order counties to count undated mail-in ballots from the state’s May 17 primary. The ballots could impact the outcome of McCormick’s primary race against celebrity physician Dr. Mehmet Oz. McCormick is less than 1,000 votes behind Oz. McCormick, a former [...]


Two US lawmakers introduced Wednesday draft resolution S. Res. 531, calling on the International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Court of Justice (ICJ) to investigate Russia and President Vladimir Putin for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The press conference to announce the draft resolution was held by US Senator Lindsey Graham and Congresswoman Victoria [...]


Interacting with the dead is no longer science fiction. Digital technologies have evolved to the extent that they can be—and are being used—to emulate the dead. During the last five years, media reports recount efforts of people who have tried and developed, with different degrees of success, chatbots based on a deceased person’s digital data: [...]