Search Results for: doj

“So far from it being unjust to punish him, it would be unjust if his wrongs were allowed to go unpunished.” Nuremberg Tribunal (1946) At the beginning of 2024, former President Donald J. Trump’s most conspicuously unsupportable legal claim has been his personal immunity from criminal prosecution. With this claim, Mr. Trump and his lead [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW)  released its 2024 World Report on Thursday detailing the state of global human rights. The report’s central theme was that “transactional diplomacy” undermined global human rights institutions and enabled autocrats to worsen violations. HRW Executive Director Tiran Hassan described “transactional diplomacy” as when “governments disregard the benefits of long-term relationships built [...]


The US Department of Justice (DOJ) sued Texas and Governor Greg Abbott in his official capacity on Wednesday over a state law that criminalizes illegal entry into the border state from anywhere but a port of entry, exerting state jurisdiction over what is usually a federal matter. The case is in the US District Court [...]


The US Department of Justice (DOJ) arrested and charged Karrem Nasr, an American citizen residing in Egypt since July 2023, for attempting to provide support to al-Shabaab. Nasr, a resident of New Jersey, traveled to Kenya with the intent to join al-Shabaab, al-Qaeda’s branch in East Africa, following Hamas’ attack in southern Israel on October [...]


The Canadian government has offered to provide a matched settlement to Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig on Tuesday following their incarceration in Chinese prisons in 2018, according to government sources for Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail. The two Canadians were charged with espionage and a breach of state secrets amidst a dispute between Canada [...]


Representative George Santos is the third member of the House of Representatives since the Civil War to be expelled and the first in United States history to be removed before being convicted by the Judiciary. It is significant to recognize that how it internally operates and disciplines its members, including expulsion, is beyond the general [...]