Search Results for: constitutional rights

Australia’s Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights published a report on Thursday calling for establishing a federal human rights act. The recommendation is the result of the committee’s inquiry, which began in March 2023, into the scope and effectiveness of Australia’s current human rights legislation. The committee was made up of 104 civil society organizations [...]


Spain’s parliament on Thursday gave final approval to an amnesty law for Catalonian political leaders charged with crimes following the controversial 2017 independence referendum.  The referendum, which passed 90 percent in favor and 10 percent against, came after Spain’s Constitutional Court declared it illegal. Leaders from Catalonia pushed forward with the referendum regardless. Spain’s constitutional court [...]


New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon on Tuesday called proposed nationwide strikes on budget day encouraging Indigenous Māori and non-Māori allies to walk off their jobs in support of Indigenous rights ‘illegal’. Luxon labelled appeals from opposition party Te Pāti Māori for Māori to “stand and rise” up in support of the strike “entirely wrong” [...]


The Taiwan Legislative Yuan, the island’s parliament, passed controversial parliamentary reforms on Tuesday as 70,000 citizens assembled outside the parliament to protest against the changes. The cabinet, chaired by the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), will send back the legislation to the Legislative Yuan for review due to concerns about how the bill was passed and [...]


The Kenyan Parliament has launched four public hearings into alleged human rights violations committed by UK troops stationed in the country, with the first two hearings taking place in Laikipia County on Tuesday. The next hearing took place Wednesday morning in Samburu County, and the last will occur on Thursday morning in Laikipia. This follows [...]


The UN General Assembly (UNGA) passed a resolution last week establishing a commemoration day for the 1995 killings of more than 8,000 Bosniak men and boys in Srebrenica and to formally recognize the event as genocide. Proposed by Germany and Rwanda, two countries with a unique history dealing with genocide in the 20th century, and [...]


Recently, medical workers at Israeli hospitals told BBC News that Palestinian detainees from Gaza were “shackled and blindfolded” while they received treatment. Physicians owe a duty to their patients based on well-established ethical principles. In truth, the doctor-patient relationship is aspirational, and at the bedside, circumstance reveals a much more complex exchange. At the core [...]


The operator of New Caledonia’s La Tontouta International Airport announced on Sunday that the airport will remain closed until June 2 following the breakout of violent protests in response to the proposed constitutional amendment by France’s National Assembly on May 17. The High Commission of the Republic of New Caledonia also announced the airport’s closure, which [...]