Search Results for: china Internet

China’s National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) announced Friday that BBC World News, the BBC’s worldwide news television service, would be discontinued in China following reports of serious violations under Chinese rules and regulations. Following this ban, Hong Kong’s public broadcaster- Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) pulled the plug on the live relay of BBC [...]


JURIST EXCLUSIVE – One of our law student correspondents in Myanmar sends this update on the latest arrests of protesters and dissidents opposed to the new military government that seized power in the country in the February 1 coup: Right now, they’re targeting the lawyers. Dr. Ye Lwin (now former mayor of Mandalay city) is [...]


The emergence of E-Commerce has made ground-breaking changes around the world. With the passage of time, individuals have the alternative of online platforms at their disposal for procuring myriad articles. A similar convenience is being experienced regarding medicines with the advent of E-Pharmacy. E-Pharmacies are virtual platforms that take an order of medicines over the [...]


China’s market regulator, the State Administration for Market Regulation, announced Thursday that based on reports they have launched an investigation into billionaire Jack Ma’s Alibaba Group Holdings for “suspected monopolistic conduct.” The State Administration of Foreign Exchange, China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission and The People’s Bank of China have also called Alibaba’s [...]


Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zhao Lin Jian has denounced as “groundless” assertions in a recent Canadian national cyber threat assessment report that named China, as well as Iran, North Korea and Russia, as its greatest cyber-crime risks, fearing espionage and attacks on critical Canadian infrastructure.  The report by the Canadian Communications Security Establishment [...]


The Standing Committee of China’s 13th National People’s Congress passed a newly revised Law on the Protection of Minors at its 22nd session on Saturday. The Law on the Protection of Minors increases the responsibility of guardians and parents towards minors. Parents or guardians of minors will now not only have to protect the life, [...]


Freedom House, a human rights watchdog group, released a report on internet freedom in the COVID-19 pandemic Wednesday criticizing government internet freedom violations since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report outlined three recent, prevailing issues over internet freedom: Three notable trends punctuated an especially dismal year for internet freedom. First, political leaders used [...]


The Indian Government took the global media by storm when it announced a ban on 59 Chinese apps in India to counter the threat posed by these applications to the country’s “sovereignty and security”. The ban has been imposed under Section 69A of the Information Technology Act, and justifying its move the government cited the [...]