Search Results for: Armenia

The armed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia which was over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh had developed quite an interesting twist with Turkey projecting itself as a ‘big’ brother of Azerbaijan and throwing its weight behind Baku and sending Syrian mercenaries to fight in the conflict. Ankara’s involvement in the conflict of the Caucasus is [...]


Azerbaijan’s Prosecutor General’s Office announced on Monday that it had detained four soldiers accused of war crimes against Armenians in the recent Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict. The Prosecutor General’s Office denounced the actions of the soldiers, calling them “unacceptable” and contradictory to “the mentality of the Azerbaijani people.” The Prosecutor General’s report was careful to exonerate Azerbaijani officials, [...]


Amnesty International Thursday urged Azerbaijani and Armenian authorities to conduct immediate investigations into war crimes committed during the recent Nagorno-Karabakh conflict after videos emerged from private social networks showing extrajudicial killings, torture, and severe abuse. In its press release, Amnesty said it analysed 22 videos that depicted, “extrajudicial executions, the mistreatment of prisoners of war [...]


The prosecutor-general of Azerbaijan said in an interview Wednesday that his office is looking into allegations of war crimes during the recent conflict between his nation and Armenia over the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region. United Nations Human Rights Chief Michelle Bachelet has already raised the alarm about possible war crimes, issuing a statement on November 2 [...]


As the armed forces of Armenia and Azerbaijan, in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the Caucasus, slug it out over a decades-long dispute about a piece of ground, one is reminded that conflict, once again, has become dirty and lawless at many levels. Civilians have become targets, protective symbols of the Geneva Conventions, such as the [...]


Armenia lodged a request with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Monday seeking interim measures against Azerbaijan following military clashes over the weekend. The request sets out three specific interim measures. Armenia is requesting that the ECHR direct Azerbaijan: to cease the military attacks towards the civilian settlements along the entire line of contact [...]


India is a vast country that has perplexing socio-economic features which are indicated in medical systems. Every 6th person in the world lives in India. Understanding the esteem of the health system in a country is crucial to both national and international health because the competitiveness and accessibility is highly fluctuating for distinct segments of [...]


With the astonishing speed of the spread of COVID-19 – affecting more than 199 countries, 1,315,989 confirmed COVID-19 cases, and 74,000 deaths – many countries are implementing extraordinary measures to meet this unprecedented challenge and to cope with the severe implications of the coronavirus crisis. The key measures of the containment strategy have entailed multiple [...]


In a report published Wednesday, the Free Russia Foundation detailed the actions taken by the Kremlin to infiltrate Western institutions and legal systems. The authors warn that individual nations need to take steps to protect their institutions, governments and court systems from the Kremlin. The report is divided into two parts. Part one focuses on [...]


A new report from Freedom House warns that the right to freedom of the press may be under attack in a number of democratic countries. The report paints a dark picture showing former bastions of democracy turning on the media. The report does clarify that it is not generally through arrests or authoritarian suppression, but [...]