Search Results for: 2015-12-02

Ecuador’s National Court of Justice on Wednesday ordered Ecuador’s former president, Rafael Correa, to stand trial for his alleged role in the 2012 attempted kidnapping of Correa’s political opponent, Fernando Balda. Balda claims that five men attempted to kidnap him in Bogota in 2012 on Correa’s orders and that the kidnapping was discovered and halted by Colombian [...]


While transgender people have existed since the dawn of time, the last decade has seen an increasing spotlight on the community and transgender people’s right to recognition and protection. While this has taken on many different angles, federal and state administrations have come under scrutiny in the last few weeks for choices to exclude transgender people [...]


President Donald Trump’s recent nomination of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh as Associate Justice to the U.S. Supreme Court from a list of potential candidates has ignited immediate support and criticism from conservatives and liberals respectively. An undergrad and law alum at Yale University, Judge Kavanaugh clerked for the departing Justice Anthony Kennedy, practiced law privately [...]


JURIST Guest Columnists, Sarah Wetter and James G. Hodge, Jr. of the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, Arizona State University, discuss preemptive legal schemes that deprive states and localities of opportunities to implement efficacious interventions to advance public health......


JURIST Guest Columnist Lauren A. Rousseau of the Western Michigan University Cooley Law School discusses the impact that the onslaught of litigation against the pharmaceutical industry could have on the opioid epidemic...According to the federal Centers for Disease Control, over...


JURIST Guest Columnists James G. Hodge, Jr., Jennifer Piatt, Sarah Wetter, and Alexandra Hess of the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, Arizona State University discuss the recent reversal of long-standing guidance from the Obama Administration on federal marijuana enforcement......