Search Results for: uk bill of rights

The government of Ireland lodged a new application with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on Friday concerning recently enacted UK legislation that would grant amnesty to individuals accused of committing atrocities during the Northern Ireland Troubles. According to a press release from the ECHR, the Irish government challenged the legislation on the grounds [...]


The US Senate rejected a resolution Tuesday that would have required the US State Department to prepare a report on Israel’s human rights practices amid the Israel-Hamas war. Section 2 of the resolution called for the department to prepare a report within 30 days containing, among others: all available credible information concerning alleged violations of [...]


The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) said that the transfer of asylum seekers under the UK’s new Rwanda arrangement violates international law in a legal analysis published on Monday. The assessment provides an update to a previous UNHCR analysis of the “Legality and Appropriateness of the Transfer of Asylum-Seekers under the UK-Rwanda arrangement” conducted in [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW)  released its 2024 World Report on Thursday detailing the state of global human rights. The report’s central theme was that “transactional diplomacy” undermined global human rights institutions and enabled autocrats to worsen violations. HRW Executive Director Tiran Hassan described “transactional diplomacy” as when “governments disregard the benefits of long-term relationships built [...]


The Hong Kong trial of prominent pro-democracy activist and media mogul Jimmy Lai has garnered widespread attention globally. Lai, a 76-year-old British citizen and high-profile critic of Beijing, faces national security charges, and his trial is expected to take months. Lai is a prominent figure in Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement. His detention and subsequent trial exemplify [...]


The Hong Kong trial of prominent pro-democracy activist and media mogul Jimmy Lai has garnered widespread attention globally. Lai, a 76-year-old British citizen and high-profile critic of Beijing, faces national security charges, and his trial is expected to take months. Lai is a prominent figure in Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement. His detention and subsequent trial [...]


France’s Court of Accounts published a report claiming the UK was not cooperating enough with France over questions of immigration policy to successfully reduce the number of irregular crossing in the English Channel on Thursday. Despite agreements between France and the UK, the report stressed the “disappointing” coordination with the UK. It says the UK [...]


The Irish Government announced Tuesday that they intend to legally challenge the UK’s Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Act 2023 on human rights grounds under the European Convention on Human Rights. The Northern Ireland Legacy Act was introduced during Boris Johnson’s time as prime minister. Receiving royal assent and becoming law in September 2023, [...]


In a distressing and seemingly interminable saga within the UK justice system, individuals sentenced to a mere two years have found themselves ensnared in unyielding decades-long stints of confinement—a grim consequence of the since-abolished Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP) policy. In 2020, Lord Brown, a former justice of the UK Supreme Court wrote he had “no [...]