Search Results for: niger coup

The UK announced Thursday that it would reduce the number of staff at its embassy in Niger amidst ongoing social unrest over a military-led coup that occurred last week. The UK joins other countries, such as the US and multiple EU states, in reducing or evacuating its citizens from Niger. The military coup in Niger [...]


EU member states announced on Tuesday they would evacuate their citizens from Niger. Their decision was prompted by mounting concerns over the country’s instability following a military coup. France, Germany, Italy and Spain, represented by their respective spokespersons and ministries, reaffirmed their resolve to begin evacuation operations for both their nationals and people of other [...]


The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) imposed sanctions Sunday on Niger’s coup leaders and called for the reinstatement of ousted President Mohammed Bazoum. The association of West African nations also threatened to use force against the junta if the democratically elected president is not reinstated in a week’s time. This came hours after [...]


Niger’s national broadcaster identified Army General Abdourahamane Tiani as President of Niger’s new military government on Friday following a coup that deposed former President Mohamed Bazoum. The country’s ruling council, called the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Homeland, was formed out of Niger’s presidential guard, which carried out the coup. In a televised [...]


Niger Foreign Minister Massoumi Massoudou told France 24 on Thursday that the administration is attempting mediation with members of Niger’s military who conducted a coup of President Mohamed Bazoum’s administration. His statement comes only hours after Niger’s military announced they supported the coup carried out by military members of Bazoum’s elite guard on Wednesday. Colonel [...]


Members of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) suspended Mali Sunday in response to the recent coup d’etat. Assimi Goïta headed a military coup against former president Bah Ndaw last week. Ndaw resigned on May 26, and the Constitutional Court of Mali declared Goïta [...]


The government of Niger announced on Wednesday that it has established a new agency tasked with combating corruption. The High Authority to Combat Corruption will be comprised of government administration and private sector representatives who...