Search Results for: financial reform

Today marks the start of a controversial whistleblowing trial against former military lawyer David McBride. A former combat veteran and military lawyer who served with both the British and Australian armies, McBride allegedly leaked documents containing evidence of possible war crimes committed by Australian Special Forces in Afghanistan. The charging documents assert that the leaks [...]


On Tuesday His Majesty King Charles III took part in The State Opening of Parliament,  a ceremonial event that marks the formal beginning of a new parliamentary session. It is a significant constitutional event in the United Kingdom, involving the monarch, Members of Parliament, and other dignitaries. During the State Opening, the reigning monarch delivers [...]


As regions of the world grapple with the devastating impacts of climate change, Kenya’s Climate Change Amendment Act stands as landmark legislation that shifts the trajectory of the nation’s commitment to climate justice. The amendment serves as a comprehensive and forward-looking response to the escalating climate crisis. The Act introduces innovative provisions aimed at aligning [...]


Law students from the European Union are reporting for JURIST on law-related events in and affecting the European Union and its member states. Ciara Dinneny is JURIST’s European Bureau Chief and a trainee with the Law Society of Ireland. She files this dispatch from Dublin.   Irish criminal barristers have withdrawn their services as of [...]


Edwin Gakunga is a student at the Kenya School of Law and a JURIST Assistant Editor. He files this dispatch from Nairobi.  The bustling heart of Nairobi, Kenya, was the stage last week of a historic event—the inaugural Africa Climate Summit (ACS), held from September 4th to 6th. This pivotal gathering brought together African nations, [...]