Search Results for: concealed carry

US federal law enforcement Monday arrested Charles McGonigal, a former FBI Special Agent in charge of the New York Field Office. McGonigal, along with former Soviet diplomat-turned-US citizen Sergey Shestakov, face five counts of US sanction violations, money laundering, and false statements from taking money from Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Federal prosecutors claimed that Deripaska, [...]


Few noticed, but on November 18, Merrick Garland officially abandoned even the pretense of ever holding Donald Trump accountable for multiple crimes that the Department of Justice already found Trump had committed. Garland might prefer that you forget the department’s findings, so let’s recap. In 2017, Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller as [...]


In late August, Pakistani publisher and human rights activist Faheem Baloch was detained by unidentified plain-clothes law enforcement officers in his Karachi bookshop and ushered away. A native of the Balochistan region of Pakistan, the publisher is known to be a dedicated cultural advocate, heading up a publishing house specializing in Balochi literature, and serving [...]


Two New York residents and a gun rights group Tuesday filed a lawsuit challenging New York’s assault weapons ban following the US Supreme Court’s decision to strike down one of New York’s concealed carry regulations. The lawsuit alleges that New York’s definition of “assault weapon” infringes upon individuals’ Second Amendment rights to keep and bear [...]


Governor Larry Hogan on Tuesday directed the Maryland State police to suspend the state’s “good and substantial reason” standard for permits to carry handguns after the US Supreme Court struck down a similar New York law last month. In June, the US Supreme Court struck down in a 6-3 decision a New York law which [...]