Search Results for: birth control

Law students and young lawyers in Ukraine are filing for JURIST on the latest developments in that country as it defends itself against the Russian invasion. Here, Kyiv-based lawyer and University of Pittsburgh LLM graduate Yaroslav Pavliuk reports. Back in March, the JURIST team published an article called “Weaponizing ‘Genocide:’ Post-War International Justice in Putin’s [...]


Few periods in the history of western intellectual thought have been more productive in so little time than the work product which flowed from the Continental Congress during the summer of 1776. On April 19, 1775, when the “shot heard around the world,” would forever become part of our history – British North America was [...]


On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Center overturned the landmark case Roe v. Wade. It is essential to clarify the specific right Roe established. It was not an unqualified affirmative right to abortion but a right protecting a woman from unduly burdensome interference with her freedom to [...]


UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet Saturday raised concerns that China’s counter-terrorism measures in the province of Xinjiang may violate human rights and publicly called on the country to review these measures, which some have said target the country’s Uyghur minority. Bachelet’s statement follows her visit to Xinjiang amid new accusations of state [...]


The Oklahoma legislature on Thursday passed its third major abortion-ban law in a little over a month. HB 4327 bans abortions starting at fertilization except in cases of medical emergency, incest, or sexual assault. However the incest and sexual assault exceptions apply only if those incidents were reported to law enforcement.  Modeled after Texas’s abortion ban, [...]


The Spanish government approved a draft bill Tuesday that extends abortion access for teenagers, removes existing obstacles to abortion, and may make Spain the first country in Europe to grant workers menstrual leave. The draft, which Spain’s Council of Ministers approved, will reform Spain’s current Organic Law 2/2010, of 3 March, on Sexual and Reproductive [...]


An unofficial UK-based tribunal Thursday concluded that China has carried out acts of genocide against the Uyghur people in its western province of Xinjiang. The Uyghur Tribunal is an independent people’s tribunal formed last year to investigate ongoing atrocities and allegations of genocide against the Uyghur, Kazakh, and other Turkic Muslim populations in western China. [...]


In June 2021, the Hungarian Parliament passed certain amendments to several acts, which curtailed the dissemination of information concerning homosexuality and sex reassignment (“H&SR”) among minors and school-goers. Inter alia, the legislation: (1) bans the availability of any material portraying or promoting H&SR or any other forms of deviation from one’s sex assigned at birth [...]


Previously known as Facebook, tech giant Meta has found itself at the center of several recent scandals. The release of the Facebook papers revealed that the company knew, among several issues, about the mental health impact of Instagram on girls and the spread of misinformation during the latest US presidential election. From its decision to [...]


Civil rights groups filed a lawsuit Thursday on behalf of a transgender boy prevented by Tennessee law from joining the boys’ golf team at his high school. The suit challenges S.B. 228, which requires that a middle or high school student’s gender, for purposes of interscholastic athletics, be determined by the student’s assigned sex at [...]