Search Results for: Spain

The lower house of the Spanish Parliament approved on Thursday a controversial legislative proposal granting amnesty for Catalan separatists involved in the 2017 independence bid. The proposed law seeks to “put an end to judicial processes and sentences” against anyone who took part in the Catalan independence campaign that took place between November 1, 2011 [...]


The Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the National Court in Spain upheld the precautionary cessation of data collection by Tools of Humanity Corporation GMBH (FTH) of Worldcoin on Monday. In reaffirming the decision of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), the court noted that the protection of personal data superseded any commercial interests of a company. Tools [...]


The plight of women’s rights in various countries reflects a complex interplay of legal, cultural and societal norms that significantly disenfranchise women and girls, threatening their human rights and dignity. Countries like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran, Yemen, Sudan, Pakistan, Somalia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Syria, and Nigeria present challenging environments where women’s rights [...]


French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Monday in an exclusive interview with La Croix and Libération the outline of the French end-of-life bill, which opens the door for assisted dying in the country. According to Macron, the proposed bill consists of three parts: introducing legislation respectively on supportive care, the rights of patients and caregivers [...]


The Spanish Data Protection Agency (APED) ordered a precautionary measure on Wednesday against a global technology company, known as Tools for Humanity Corporation, to cease the collection and processing of personal data that it is carrying out in Spain under its Worldcoin project. Additionally, the company was ordered to keep hold of all personal data [...]


The UN Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders issued a position paper Wednesday urging European nations to stop the state repression of environmental protest and to live up to their obligations under the Paris Agreement to cut global warming. In the paper, Michel Forst stated that the “repression that environmental activists who use peaceful civil disobedience [...]


Polish farmers launched on Friday a 30-day nationwide protest in response to economic pressure on the country’s agricultural sector from the EU. The protest includes the blocking of roads around the country as well as the blocking of border crossings with Ukraine. It also involves general strikes throughout the agricultural industry. Over 250 protest actions [...]


The resumption of any kind of negotiations or diplomatic ties with the Taliban should come with principles and conditions. Such conditions should be no less than those enshrined in the fundamental principle of human rights and dignity and expected in a multi-ethnic and democratic country. Afghanistan cannot afford to settle for anything less than the [...]


Spain’s National High Court on Tuesday decided to close a probe into three people, including the son of Equatorial Guinea’s president.  Carmelo Ovono Obiang, son of President Teodoro Obiang, was accused of kidnapping four members of the Movement for the Liberation of Equatorial Guinea (MLGE3R) who opposed Obiang’s government, in 2019. The Spanish court stated [...]