Search Results for: Norway

The Norway Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Friday that there will be a ban on Russian-registered passenger vehicles starting in the upcoming weeks. The ban includes all Russian vehicles with nine or fewer seats. However, buses and small passenger vans can cross into Norway from Russia. Additionally, Finland, Estonia, Poland and Latvia have a [...]


Norwegian police arrested former commander of the Wagner Group, Andrey Medvedev, on Friday under suspicion of attempting to illegally cross the border into Russia, according to local Norwegian news site the Barents Observer. Earlier this year, Medvedev sought asylum in Norway. Norwegian police in Finnmark confirmed they had arrested a man attempting to cross the [...]


The the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea’s public hearings concerning international obligations to mitigate marine pollution started Monday in Hamburg, Germany following a request from the Commission of Small Island States on Climate Change and International Law (COSIS). Prime Ministers Kausea Natano of Tuvalu and Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda, representing COSIS, are [...]


The Oslo District Court ruled against Meta Platforms (formerly known as Facebook) and in favor of the Norwegian Data Protection Authority (Datatilsynet) Wednesday, upholding its decision to impose a temporary ban on behavioral marketing on Facebook and Instagram. The case revolves around a request for a provisional injunction against Datatilsynet’s directive to prohibit Meta Ireland [...]


Norwegian data protection agency Datatilsynet told Reuters on Monday that Meta will be fined 1 million kroner per day starting from August 14 if it does not comply with the agency’s requests. This comes after Norway’s public broadcaster reported that Meta Platforms (Meta) is seeking to block a forthcoming fine from the agency, which was [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a report Monday critiquing the Panamanian government’s lax efforts to assist coastal indigenous peoples in the country with relocation as their ancestral homelands are destroyed by climate change. The report focuses on the island of Gardi Sugdub and the Guna people living on it.  The residents of Gardi Sugdub have [...]


The Ukrainian armed forces confirmed Thursday they received cluster munitions sent by the US. Tavria Region defense spokesman Valery Shershen confirmed the delivery to Radio Free Liberty in Ukraine amidst international condemnation of the US’s decision to provide the weapons. Following US President Joe Biden’s July 7 announcement that the US would provide Ukraine with [...]


Oksana Bidnenko is a staff correspondent for JURIST. She is a Ukrainian law student at the Riga Graduate School of Law in Riga, Latvia, and is currently an exchange student at the University of Oslo, Norway.  It was announced last week that Ukraine and other members of the International Coordination and Response Group for the [...]


Iran executed three men accused of carrying out a terrorist attack during last year’s nationwide protests surrounding the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini. According to Mizan, a state-run news agency for Iran’s judiciary, Iranian officials executed Saleh Mirhashemi, Majid Kazemi and Saeed Yaghoubi based upon their conviction on charges of moharebeh, or enmity against god. [...]