Search Results for: Belgium

Belgium Prime Minister Alexander De Croo announced on Thursday that Israeli settlers from the West Bank would be banned from entering Belgium. This follows the US’s announcement of travel restrictions “targeting individuals and their family members involved in or meaningfully contributing to actions that undermine peace, security, and stability in the West Bank.” This as tensions [...]


The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled Tuesday that EU member state government bodies and agencies are allowed to ban their employees from wearing headscarves and other religious symbols. The case came to the CJEU to decide whether a “strict neutrality” religious symbol policy in workplaces amounted to discrimination contrary to EU [...]


Mass demonstrations took place on Sunday in various Spanish cities where hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to protest against Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s plan to grant amnesty to Catalan separatists in exchange for parliamentary support. Sunday’s protests were led by the conservative Spanish People’s Party (PP), which has called Sánchez “a threat [...]


The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) on Wednesday published a survey showing a significant increase in racial discrimination racism towards first- and second-generation Black immigrants across 13 European Union countries, with Austria, Germany and Finland topping the list for the highest rates of discrimination and harassment. The survey, titled “Being Black in the [...]


Slovenia announced temporary border controls with Croatia and Hungary on Saturday, citing increased security concerns, as reported by Slovenia’s state media organization STA. The border controls are set to be in effect for at least 10 days. The measure follows Italy’s decision to do the same at its border with Slovenia. The Slovenian government cited [...]


On August 21, 2023, Ukraine’s capital of Kyiv hosted a large international conference Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine: Justice to be Served. The conference gathered key figures behind Ukraine’s push to launch a special tribunal. The event was aimed at reinvigorating global efforts to prosecute the crime of aggression against Ukraine, [...]


On October 7th, 2023, the State of Israel was brutally attacked by the terrorist organization known as Hamas, instigating an all-out war. In the early morning of October 7th, Hamas terrorist fighters made their way into Israel from the Gaza Strip, invading and occupying Israeli towns, cities, and military bases. This surprise attack in Israel [...]


The Swiss National Council approved the controversial Federal Law on the Prohibition of Concealing the Face Wednesday by a vote of 151-29. The law implements a referendum passed in March 2021, in which 51% of Swiss voters approved a ban on concealing one’s face in public. The initiative was brought by the right-wing Swiss People’s [...]