Search Results for: Al Jazeera

An Israeli airstrike on Friday resulted in the death of Reuters journalist Issam Abdallah and wounded six others, prompting a UN spokesperson to call for an investigation into the strike. Abdallah, a videographer for Reuters, was covering Israeli activity in southern Lebanon when an Israeli anti-tank shell landed near where Abdallah was. Two other Reuters journalists, [...]


The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), a unit in the Israeli Ministry of Defense, announced on Thursday that the Erez Crossing would be reopened for workers to leave the Gaza Strip area. Whether the border reopening would be continued is subject to an assessment of the situation, COGAT added. Palestinian demonstrations have [...]


The presidents of Chile and Mexico held a joint press conference Sunday marking the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Chilean coup where General Augusto Pinochet ousted democratically-elected President Salvador Allende. The  presidents’ appearance followed an initially peaceful march which later saw clashes between civilians and police. On September 11, 1973, Pinochet launched a military coup [...]


Francesca P. Albanese is an international lawyer and scholar, renowned for her contributions addressing the question of Palestinian refugees, which constitutes the most enduring and complex refugee crisis following World War II. She has penned numerous publications and analyses on the issue. In 2020, she collaborated with Lex Takkenberg to co-author the second edition of [...]


The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) announced Thursday its successful facilitation of the release of 125 Sudanese soldiers, 44 of whom were wounded, who had been detained by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), the paramilitary group engaged in conflict with Sudanese forces since April. The RSF has been a prominent actor in the [...]


Two Pakistani journalists remain missing Saturday following a call for their release from the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) on Thursday. Unidentified men allegedly seized the first journalist, BOL News anchor and president Sami Abraham on May 24 following the airing of several segments supporting former Prime Minister Imran Khan. The second journalist, Imran Riaz [...]


Israel military forces Thursday killed seven Palestinian gunmen and two Palestinian citizens in a raid on the Jenin refugee camp. The UN condemned the raid and urged both Israel and Palestine to “de-escalate tensions, restore calm, and avoid further conflict.” Amnesty International also condemned the raid, calling it “a reminder of the cost of…shameful inaction” [...]


The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) reported Tuesday that killings of journalists “rose sharply” last year, with 68 journalists being killed in 2022. This is a 50 percent increase from 2021. Of those deaths, CPJ confirmed that 41 were related to their journalistic work. CPJ continues to investigate the other 26 killings to determine if [...]


Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Thursday released their annual report summarizing violence and abuse against journalists. The organization reports that a total of 533 journalists are currently detained because of their work, 65 are held hostage and another 57 have been killed in the past year. RSF Secretary-General Christophe Deloire said of the report’s findings: This [...]