Search Results for: 2002-12-13

JURIST Guest Columnist Sandy Davidson of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and School of Law discusses removal of a person's past information from the Internet and the potential slippery slope this creates ... By recognizing in May "the...


Of the 139 states that signed the Rome Statute, 32 have not yet ratified the treaty. According to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties , a state that has signed but not ratified a treaty is obliged to...


The Iraq War was plagued with accusations of war crimes and atrocities, aimed at the different parties and countries involved in the conflict. The bulk of those claims revolved around the actual combat between US, Iraqi and guerrilla forces. However,...


JURIST Columnist Charles C. Jalloh of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law examines the role of Alternate Judge El Hadji Malick Sow in Charles Taylor's trial and recent conviction and discusses the implications of Sow's decision to publicly disagree...