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The Parliament of Estonia issued a statement on Tuesday strongly condemning Georgia’s adoption of a controversial law requiring certain organizations to register as foreign agents, saying that it is “necessary” that Estonia block Georgia’s EU accession. Of the 70 members of the Riigikogu—the Parliament of Estonia—57 voted in favour of adopting the statement. The president [...]


Since the UN’s establishment in 1945, the body has been pivotal in maintaining global peace and security. A critical instrument in its arsenal is the ceasefire resolution, primarily used by the UN Security Council (UNSC) as a vehicle for showing the overriding will of the Council in times when tensions are high. These resolutions often [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) revealed that several hundred Tunisians are serving prison sentences of up to 122 years for writing bad checks, which is equivalent to fraud and is an illegal practice under Tunisian law in a report released on Monday. The report argues that this is a violation of international human rights law, and [...]


Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, said in a statement about her latest report on the situation in Gaza: In this darkest hour, the international community cannot continue to ignore that it is Israel’s project to rid Palestine of Palestinians in defiance [...]


China Vice Foreign Minister Sun Weidong accused the US on Sunday of undermining security in the South China Sea, citing the extraterritorial forces led by the United States pushing forward military deployments and operations in the region. After attending a series of senior officials’ meetings on East Asian cooperation, Sun told the reporters that China [...]


Journalists challenged the Punjab Defamation Law, 2024 the Lahore High Court (LHC) on Saturday, branding it “unconstitutional, unlawful, and against the principles of the law,” according to reports in Pakistani media. This move comes just weeks after the Punjab Assembly passed the bill amid fierce opposition and protests from journalists and civil society groups. The [...]


South Korea started playing loudspeaker broadcasts towards North Korea on Saturday after trash balloons from North Korea entered South Korea. The trash balloons were sent around a week after North Korea already made an agreement with South Korea to stop sending the balloons. The Vice-Minister of National Defense of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), [...]