Search Results for: neo-Nazis

Russian President Vladimir Putin Wednesday held a meeting with Russia’s Security Council to introduce martial law in four Russian-occupied territories it annexed following sham referendums in Ukraine last month. Martial law involves the temporary substitution of military authority for civilian rule and is usually invoked in times of war, rebellion, or natural disaster. Putin’s announcement [...]


“This is not a bluff,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said of Moscow’s willingness to deploy nuclear weapons in Ukraine during a meandering speech on Wednesday, in which he also laid the groundwork for Russia’s annexation of several Ukrainian regions, and announced a partial military mobilization. Hours after Putin’s address, US President Joe Biden referred to [...]


Ukrainian law students and young lawyers are reporting for JURIST on national and international developments in and affecting Ukraine. This dispatch is from Anna Balabina, a law student at Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv.   Over the past few weeks, Ukrainian authorities have been working on returning Ukrainian soldiers from Russian captivity, and recently brought back [...]


The US Senate Thursday failed to pass the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021 (HR 350) after receiving a vote of 47 to 47. The bill is meant to address mass shootings in the US and would have established “new requirements to expand the availability of information on domestic terrorism, as well as the relationship [...]


Two tech industry groups filed an emergency petition Friday seeking to block Texas House Bill 20 (HB20), a bill that would allow users to sue social networks if they believe they were banned from a platform for their political views. Applicants NetChoice, LLC (NetChoice) and Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) appealed to the Supreme [...]


Ukraine instituted proceedings against Russia Saturday before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in Hague in light of Russia’s ongoing attack on Ukraine. According to Ukraine, the case concerns “a dispute . . . relating to the interpretation, application and fulfilment of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.” [...]


Law students from the University of Ottawa are filing dispatches for JURIST on the “Freedom Convoy” protest in Canada’s capital that has paralyzed the city for some three weeks. Here, 1L Mélanie Cantin reports.  The Confederate flag and Nazi swastika were spotted on the first weekend the Freedom Convoy arrived in Ottawa, but casual onlookers [...]


Australia listed two organizations, the Base and Hezballah, as terrorist organizations Wednesday. The Base is a group that promotes white supremacy and adheres to neo-Nazi ideology. Hezbollah is a militant extremist group with religious ideology. The organizations are now listed as terrorist organizations under Division 102 of the Australian Criminal Code Act of 1995. Although Hezbollah’s [...]


The Canadian government announced Friday that four new terrorist entities had been added to its terror list, three of which are associated with far-right extremist ideology. US-based Three Percenters militia, Aryan Strikeforce and American neo-Nazi James Mason were each said to have met the legal threshold for listing as set out in Canada’s Criminal Code, [...]


 “It must not be forgotten that it is perhaps more dangerous for a nation to allow itself to be conquered intellectually than by arms.” -Guillaume Apollinaire, The New Spirit and the Poets (1917) Whenever Israel finds itself in the midst of major conflict with Hamas, each side seeks to defend itself in military and legal [...]