Search Results for: guantanamo

Somali prisoner and Guantánamo Bay detainee Guled Hassan Duran was approved for transfer and will be released from detention, his lawyers announced Monday. According to the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), Duran is the first detainee designated as “high value” to be approved for transfer. Duran is a Somali citizen and was captured by the [...]


A group of United Nations experts Monday condemned the U.S. Guantanamo Bay detention facility in Cuba, calling it a site of “unparalleled notoriety.” January 11 marks the twentieth anniversary of the arrival of the first terrorism suspects in Guantanamo Bay. The independent experts, appointed by the UN Human Rights Council, said: Twenty years of practicing [...]


North Carolina has an important connection to the “state secrets” at the center of an October 6 US Supreme Court argument. In this case, Guantanamo prisoner Abu Zubaydah seeks testimony from two former CIA contractors, James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen, on torture he suffered at a secret CIA prison in Poland. The contractors’ evidence would [...]


Seven US military jury members signed a letter urging clemency for convicted terrorist Majid Khan, rebuking Khan’s alleged mistreatment by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The letter, which was signed Friday, came after a 26-year sentence was handed down by the military jury. Khan, formerly a resident of Baltimore, was convicted of war crimes in [...]


JURIST EXCLUSIVE – Law students and lawyers in Afghanistan are filing reports with JURIST on the situation there after the Taliban takeover. Here, a Staff Correspondent for JURIST in Kabul offers observations on the public appearance of Taliban leaders, or lack thereof. For privacy and security reasons we are withholding his name and institutional affiliation. [...]


The US Department of Defense announced Monday the transfer of the Biden administration’s first detainee out of the US military prison in Guantánamo Bay. Abdul Latif Nasir was repatriated to his native country of Morocco after being recommended for discharge from the prison in 2016 but nevertheless remained at Guantánamo Bay during the Trump presidency. [...]


The Boston Globe has a new series on Future Proofing the Presidency, making a case for prosecution of former President Donald Trump. Just for the record, in DC the basic Presidential criminality approach is: 1) The President gets an interpretation of the law from a lawyer somewhere such as in the Office of Legal Counsel [...]