Search Results for: civil rights

Seven international rights groups (including Amnesty International, ADPAN, CPJP, The Botswana Centre for Human Rights, Eleos Justice, International Federation for Human Rights, and Odhikar) issued a joint statement on Wednesday urging the Bangladeshi government to abolish the death penalty. The statement comes in light of the death sentence given to Lesedi Molapisi by a Dhaka [...]


The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) on Wednesday condemned the public flogging of more than 60 people, including more than a dozen women, by the Taliban in northern Sari Pul province. In a statement UNAMA called for respond for international human rights standards saying “63 people were publicly lashed in Saripul yesterday by [...]


Georgia enacted a controversial “foreign agent” bill on Monday despite large-scale demonstrations against the law and international opposition. Georgian parliament speaker Shalva Papuashvili signed the law On Transparency of Foreign Influence, also known as the law on foreign agents” or the “Russian law,” which was subsequently published on the country’s Legislative Bulletin website. According to [...]


The UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2731 (2024) on Thursday, extending for one year the sanctions regime imposed on South Sudan that includes asset freezes, travel bans and an arms embargo. The Resolution received nine votes in favor, none against and six abstentions from Algeria, China, Guyana, Mozambique, Russian Federation and Sierra Leone. The council [...]


The US Department of State imposed new visa restrictions on Chinese and Hong Kong officials on Friday after a Hong Kong court convicted 14 activists of conspiring to commit subversion under the China-imposed National Security Law. Chinese and Hong Kong government spokespersons denounced the sanctions as a “gross interference” in China’s and Hong Kong’s internal [...]


The Texas Supreme Court unanimously rejected a challenge to the state’s abortion laws Friday. The issue at hand was whether Texas’s civil abortion law prohibiting abortion unless a woman is facing a life threatening condition violated the state constitution. The case, which is known as Zurawski v. Texas, was brought by 22 patients and physicians, [...]