Search Results for: churches

Independent French reparations agency, Instance Nationale Indépendate de Reconnaissance et de Réparation (INIRR), reported that it has provided financial reparations to over 500 victims of sexual abuse perpetrated by clergy or leaders in the Catholic Church in 2023. INIRR’s 2023 report revealed that over 60 percent of victims are men, averaging an age of 61 years [...]


The US Department of State imposed arms restrictions Thursday on the import or export of US-origin weapons and services from or to Nicaragua. In a statement to the press, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller cited “brutal repression” and “recent sham elections” as ongoing concerns for the Biden administration, vowing to continue to use “diplomatic and [...]


The UK government released a new definition of extremism on Thursday in response to a rise in extremist threats across the country. Groups that meet the new definition will be automatically barred from receiving government funding. The statement outlining this definition noted that the change is due to the increasing pervasiveness of extremist ideologies in recent [...]


Two trans people were attacked by a mob of approximately 150 individuals in the Greek city of Thessaloniki on Saturday, with over 21 being arrested and nine adults charged. The accused adults appeared before a Thessaloniki court Sunday, and 12 minors were released pending trial. The attack took place as the victims attended the Thessaloniki [...]


French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Monday in an exclusive interview with La Croix and Libération the outline of the French end-of-life bill, which opens the door for assisted dying in the country. According to Macron, the proposed bill consists of three parts: introducing legislation respectively on supportive care, the rights of patients and caregivers [...]


Turkish Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya announced Sunday the arrest of 33 suspects alleged to be connected to the Islamic State (IS) on charges of “preparing and seeking action before the upcoming local elections,” of having provided “personnel to conflict zone” and “financial aid to the organization within the scope of financing terrorism,” ahead of the [...]


The US Supreme Court vacated an order by Justice Samuel Alito on Thursday that paused the dispute between the terms of a $2.46 billion settlement between sexual abuse victims and the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). BSA declared bankruptcy in 2020 amid thousands of lawsuits for sexual abuse against Scout Leaders. Abused in Scouting, a group dedicated to litigating sexual [...]