Search Results for: asean

Myanmar state broadcaster MRTV reported Wednesday that 7,012 prisoners, including political detainees, will be released by the military-controlled government of Myanmar in commemoration of the nation’s independence day. But a JURIST correspondent in Myanmar doubts that the announcement signals a positive trend for the junta. “We can’t expect much improvement because they do that for [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) Tuesday urged governments attending Asian summits in November to support tougher sanctions to curb human rights abuses by Myanmar’s junta. The Myanmar junta seized power in February 2021 and has since then committed “widespread and systematic abuses,” according to HRW. International leaders will gather for a series of summits in Asia [...]


The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will reconsider its role in the five-point peace plan with Myanmar if its military junta continues to execute prisoners, ASEAN chair Hun Sen of Cambodia said Wednesday at the opening of the ASEAN foreign ministers meeting in Phnom Penh. This announcement comes in the wake of the military [...]


Tom Andrews, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Thursday called on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to put increased pressure on the Myanmar junta, following his eight-day visit to Malaysia. In February last year, a military coup took place in Myanmar, in which the junta deposed the civilian government and arrested [...]


Amnesty International released a report Tuesday documenting numerous atrocities committed by the Myanmar military including the burning of villages, destruction of civilian infrastructure and extrajudicial execution of civilians. After seizing power in a coup d’état on 1 February 2021, the military committed “gross human rights violations” in Myanmar’s Kayin and the Kayah States from December [...]


The United States House of Representatives Wednesday passed the Burma Act of 2021. The Burma Act requires the Department of State to report to Congress on the military coup in Burma (Myanmar), including a description of US efforts to (1) engage with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to support a return to Burma’s democratic transition [...]


It’s been one full year since Myanmar has come once again under military rule. Since the February 1, 2021 coup, the poverty-stricken Southeast Asian nation has attracted international media attention, but for the wrong reasons. The country, with a 60 million population of varied ethnicities, continues to witness public protests against the junta, counter military [...]


The UN Security Council issued a statement Wednesday urging for the immediate end of violence in Myanmar. Myanmar is currently under the control of the military junta, which overthrew the democratic government in February in a coup d’état. The Security Council supports the return to democracy and political independence in the country. The Security Council [...]


US prosecutors announced Friday the arrest of two Myanmar citizens for a plot to injure or kill Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar’s ambassador to the United Nations (UN) who represents Myanmar’s elected government. The investigative work of the FBI’s Westchester Safe Streets Task Force, which comprises special agents from various entities such as the FBI, NYPD, [...]