Search Results for: Yemen

Indeed, the geopolitical landscape is complex, especially when discussing Iran’s involvement in various global issues. Central to these concerns are allegations of Iran’s support for Russian aggression against Ukraine, its perceived stance on Israel, and its role as a destabilizing force in the Middle East. Firstly, Iran’s relationship with Russia has raised apprehensions, particularly regarding [...]


The conflict that erupted in April between the Sudanese National Army and the Rapid Support Forces wreaked havoc on Sudan, and has ultimately taken an appalling toll. Thousands were killed and millions displaced. Buildings were burned and infrastructure lay in ruins, instilling fear of a spiraling descent into a full-scale civil war. Even before the warfare [...]


The spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces released a statement Wednesday confirming they launched drones at targets in Israel. Yahya Sare’e further pledged the armed forces’ commitment to the Palestinian people, denouncing Israel’s recent attacks on the Gaza Strip. This action by the Yemen Army follows reports from Tuesday that the Houthi rebels, who have [...]


Matthew Hedges, a British academic and researcher, was arrested and accused of espionage in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in May 2018. There were allegations that Hedges was tortured while in detention. According to reports, he was subjected to solitary confinement, physical assault, prolonged interrogation and denial of basic rights during his imprisonment. The UAE [...]


Following a demonstration in Yemen Friday, Amnesty International reported that Houthi authorities arrested an “alarming” number of people. The demonstration was held to commemorate the anniversary of Yemen’s September Revolution, and those taking part were said to be peacefully “exercising their right to freedom of assembly.” During the demonstration, which remembered the establishment of the [...]


Amnesty International, along with over 200 civil society organizations, called upon participating governments of the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) on Wednesday to address the human rights records and climate policies of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The COP28, an annual conference of governments from around the world to discuss climate policies, is scheduled [...]