Search Results for: Wisconsin

A federal judge in Alabama declined on Tuesday to stay a lawsuit challenging Alabama’s Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act (VCCPA). US District Judge Liles Burke rejected a request from the US government to stay the case while appeals courts determine the appropriate standard of review for state bans on gender-affirming care for transgender youth, [...]


Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford announced Wednesday that six individuals have been indicted by a Nevada grand jury for falsely representing themselves as electors in the 2020 election. The six individuals, all members of the Republican party, were charged after falsely portraying themselves as electors for the state of Nevada and producing false voting records [...]


The Wisconsin State Assembly passed three bills on Thursday that ban gender-affirming care for minors and limit transgender participation in sports. In order for the new bills to become state law, they must pass through the other chamber of Wisconsin’s legislature, the State Senate, and be signed by Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers. However, Evers stated [...]


A Wisconsin state judge struck down on Tuesday a public school district policy that allowed students to request to transition to a different gender identity at school without parental consent and over parental objection. Judge Michael Maxwell ruled that the policy violated the fundamental parental right to direct the care of their child. Maxwell found [...]


Sexual assault in the US Armed Forces is a very real and prescient issue for all service members. In April 2023, the US Department of Defense (DoD) reported that in 2022 there had been “a roughly 1% increase in overall reports of sexual assaults” with all the service branches having seen an increase in reported [...]


A Georgia grand jury indicted former US President Donald Trump on 13 criminal charges late Monday night. The 41-count indictment alleges that Trump, along with 18 other individuals who were also charged, conspired to interfere in Georgia’s election process during the 2020 US presidential election. This is now the fourth criminal indictment Trump faces as [...]


Former US President Donald Trump claimed Tuesday that he received a letter on Sunday from Special Counsel Jack Smith, the Department of Justice (DOJ) attorney leading two criminal investigations into the former president, that indicated he was the subject of an investigation into attempted 2020 election interference and the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot. Trump [...]