Search Results for: Spain

Marissa Zupancic is JURIST’s Washington DC Correspondent, a JURIST Senior Editor and a 3L at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. She’s stationed in Washington during her Semester in DC. Georgetown University hosted a conference on Monday covering the 75th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a military alliance of more than 30 [...]


Spain’s Supreme Court summoned exiled Catalan separatists Carles Puigdemont and Rubén Wagensberg on Monday to provide voluntary statements in a terrorism investigation of protests related to the failed 2017 independence referendum. The court ordered the former president of the Catalan Generalitat and MEP, Carles Puigdemont, and the former deputy of the Catalan Parliament, Rubén Wagensberg, [...]


The official press agency of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic released a statement Saturday condemning France’s intention to invest in the Western Sahara region through the French Development Agency (AFD). According to Western Sahara authorities, France’s plans to invest in Moroccan development projects in the disputed Sahrawi regions are considered a provocative move. The statement [...]


Climate protestors who attempted to create a road blockade at The Hague were detained Saturday by Dutch police. Among the protestors detained was prominent climate activist Greta Thunberg. Protesters took to the streets of The Hague demonstrating against fossil fuel subsidies on Saturday. Fossil fuel subsidies refer to government action that lowers the cost of [...]


This week in Scotland, a hate crime law that ranks among the world’s strictest entered into force. The Hate Crime and Public Order Act 2021 (Hate Crime Act) aims to modernize and consolidate protections while broadening the scope of recognized hate crimes to encompass a wider range of individuals and circumstances. In other words, the [...]


The UN’s International Organization for Migration (IOM) revealed in a report on Tuesday that 8,542 people died or disappeared during migration in 2023. This represents a 20 percent increase in migrant deaths compared to 2022. More than one-third of migrants come from countries in conflict or with large refugee populations. The report stated that at [...]


Spain’s National High Court Judge Santiago Pedraz ordered on Monday a temporary suspension of his own previous order to ban the social media app Telegram in Spain.  Pedraz said that he issued the suspension pending a report from the General Information Commissioner’s Office on the instant messaging platform requesting information about Telegram’s characteristics and the [...]


Spain’s Audiencia Nacional high court ordered Telegram on Saturday to temporarily suspend its activities in the country, after a complaint by major media companies that users were sharing content without their permission, according to consumer advocacy group FACUA. FACUA condemned the decision, calling it “disproportionate.” The decision came after company officials in the Virgin Islands [...]


Independent French reparations agency, Instance Nationale Indépendate de Reconnaissance et de Réparation (INIRR), reported that it has provided financial reparations to over 500 victims of sexual abuse perpetrated by clergy or leaders in the Catholic Church in 2023. INIRR’s 2023 report revealed that over 60 percent of victims are men, averaging an age of 61 years [...]