Search Results for: Norway

UN Secretary-General António Guterres announced on Monday a review of whether the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinians in the Near East (UNRWA) is “ensur neutrality” and properly responding to allegations of possible breaches. The announcement came after Israel accused UNRWA of involvement in the October 7 Hamas attacks. The accusation caused several countries, [...]


Norwegian authorities criminally charged 20 Indigenous Saami activists and supporters on Friday for blocking access to multiple government buildings in protest over the continued operation of wind turbines in the Fosen region. The operation occupies the same land as traditional reindeer herding grounds, despite a 2021 Norwegian Supreme Court ruling calling for an end to [...]


A Norwegian court on Monday began hearing a lawsuit brought by Fjotolf Hansen, previously known as Anders Behring Breivik, over his prison conditions, according to local media. Breivik sought to sue the Norwegian Ministry of Justice, alleging that the prison conditions imposed on him violated his human rights. Hansen set off a car bomb in [...]


The UN Security Council voted to cease the ongoing political mission in Sudan on Friday. This follows claims by Sudan’s military government that the mission failed to meet expectations. This withdrawal comes only months after the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) called on the international community for new funding to respond to the Sudan crisis. [...]


In a joint statement signed last Thursday but announced Tuesday, the government of the Philippines and communist group the National Democratic Front (NDFP) have reached an agreement to reset peace negotiations in an attempt to end a 50 year long conflict. The agreement was facilitated by Norway and signed in Oslo by Philippines Special Advisor [...]


In a collective statement released on Friday, the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK) and Norway expressed deep concern about escalating violence and human rights abuses in Sudan, particularly in the troubled Darfur region. Termed “the Troika,” these nations urgently called for an immediate cessation of the conflict, emphasizing the crucial role of both the Sudanese [...]


Public attitude toward minority rights usually can serve as a good baseline for testing a country’s level of general democracy and tolerance. Croatia became a European Union member in 2013 and is criticised for its undemocratic society. Inside the country, there are constant debates on this ground about whether Croatia should be affiliated with Western [...]


The European Data Protection Board (EDPB), the EU’s data regulator, announced Wednesday it adopted an urgent binding decision banning Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, from processing user personal data for behavioral advertising across the European Economic Area (EEA) until further notice. The move follows a request from Norway that the EU take action [...]


On October 7th, 2023, the State of Israel was brutally attacked by the terrorist organization known as Hamas, instigating an all-out war. In the early morning of October 7th, Hamas terrorist fighters made their way into Israel from the Gaza Strip, invading and occupying Israeli towns, cities, and military bases. This surprise attack in Israel [...]