Search Results for: National Archives

Thailand national and cloth merchant Mongkol “Busbas” Thirakot received his second conviction and total of 50 years in prison Thursday for a case of royal defamation related to his social media posts from 2021. Criticism or defamation of the Thai monarchy is considered a criminal offense under the Thai Criminal Code, commonly known as the lese-majeste [...]


Editors’ note: Amid surging violence between Hamas and Israeli forces, JURIST is seeking perspectives from around the world. Neither this nor other commentaries in this series constitute JURIST editorial policy, nor do they necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team. The 21st century is marked by globalization and Americanization, with transnational law under US [...]


Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired United States Army Colonel who held key roles in government, including serving as Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell from 2002 to 2005. Wilkerson played a role in preparing US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s presentation in 2003 at the United Nations in making the case for [...]


Palestinian human rights organizations and others sued US President Joe Biden, Secretary of Defense Lloyd James Austin and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken for allegedly violating the duty to prevent genocide and complicity in genocide in relation to the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed the case on Monday on behalf [...]


Many federal legislators believe the United States needs a robust automated vehicle industry to promote our national interests in diverse areas—from reducing traffic deaths and cutting greenhouse gases to creating opportunities for the mobility challenged. But the public must trust this technology before it can be successfully adopted. Current events demonstrate that the automated vehicle [...]