Search Results for: Muhammad

A Pakistan spokesperson announced the arrest of two Christian brothers for blasphemy Friday, according to Reuters. The two were accused of ripping pages from the Quran. Chapter XV of Pakistan’s Penal Code outlines several different forms of blasphemy against Islam. These criminalize conduct such as making derogatory remarks about Muhammad or the desecration of the [...]


International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Karim Khan announced Thursday that the court has opened an investigation into human rights offenses committed by the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Security Forces (RSF) 90 days after the conflict began in Sudan. Khan appeared before the UN Security Council on Thursday to make the announcement. Khan [...]


A man was stoned to death Monday in northwest Nigeria after being accused of blasphemy, raising concerns about escalating threats to religious freedom in the region. Local authorities confirmed the incident with a statement on Sunday, saying: On 25th June 2023 at about 0955hrs, a distress call was received at about 0920hrs that one Usman [...]


Pakistan’s transgender community finds itself embroiled in an ongoing struggle for inclusion, facing a recent setback with a verdict from the Federal Shariat Court (FSC). Transgender activists in Pakistan have appealed the judgement of the Federal Shariat Court (“FSC”), which adjudicates based on the tenets of Islam, to the Supreme Court (“SC”). As many as [...]


The UN is set to sanction Australia for failing to meet its international human rights obligations. On Saturday, in an exclusive interview with The Saturday Paper, vice-chair of the Subcommittee on the Prevention of Torture (SPT), Aisha Shujune Muhammad, said that Australia has failed to implement the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture and [...]


Since gaining power in August 2021, the Afghan Taliban, following a unique normative mixture of Pashtun culture and Islamic law, have closed universities, colleges, and secondary and primary schools to deny education to women and girls. In banning women from higher education, the Taliban education minister argued that female college students do not adhere to [...]


Hamline University in Minnesota has fired adjunct art professor Erika Lopez Prater for showing 14th-century paintings of the Prophet Muhammad in class. The University asserts that the professor’s act is Islamophobic and that bringing the artwork to the classroom with Muslim students breached the limits of academic freedom. The facts do not suggest that Professor [...]