Search Results for: Banks

The United Nationals Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) closed its East Jerusalem office on Friday amidst two arson attacks from Israeli extremists. The closure follows scrutiny of the UNRWA due to its investigations into Israeli allegations that UNRWA staff were involved in the October 7 Hamas attacks. In [...]


The UN General Assembly passed a draft resolution in an emergency special session on Friday affirming Palestine’s eligibility for full UN membership and recommending the Security Council to consider it favorably. The resolution, which garnered substantial support, also urged the Security Council to revisit its previous decisions regarding Palestine’s membership status. The General Assembly vote [...]


Nigerian investigative journalist Daniel Ojukwu on Friday was released after 10 days in police custody. Ojukwu was released after intense criticism and protests from media rights groups demanding his release. The Foundation for Investigative Journalism (FIJ) released a statement on Ojukwu’s release thanking both local and international media organizations, civil society organizations, activists, lawyers, and [...]


Students at multiple UK universities this week have set up protests and encampments in solidarity with similar protests against Israel’s war in Gaza recently seen across campuses in the United States as well as in Canada, France and Germany. The UK universities include Oxford, Cambridge, University of College London, Newcastle,  Sheffield, Warwick, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester [...]


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Sunday that his cabinet had unanimously voted to shut down operations of Al Jazeera in Israel. Authorities started raiding the news organization’s offices soon after. Israel has long had a strained relationship with Al Jazeera, accusing it of anti-Israel bias and collaborating with Hamas. The decision was enabled by [...]


The UK Government announced a new package of sanctions Friday on Israeli groups and individuals who have been linked to settler violence against people in the West Bank. The sanctions include financial and travel restrictions. This is the second set of sanctions to be imposed by the UK against perpetrators of settler violence against Palestinians, [...]


US Congressman Henry Cuellar, who has served as a Democratic representative of Texas for nearly two decades, was indicted on Friday with his wife on charges of bribery, unlawful foreign influence, and money laundering. In announcing the indictment, the US Department of Justice stated the couple is accused of having accepted about $600,000 in bribes [...]


Jordan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned an attack by Israeli settlers on two Jordanian convoys transporting humanitarian aid on their way to the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, calling on the international community to also condemn the attack. The ministry claimed the Israeli government failed to protect the aid convoys, citing this as a gross violation [...]


The Hong Kong Legislative Council unanimously passed the Safeguarding National Security Bill recently. Both the Chinese National People’s Congress Standing Committee and the Hong Kong government have stressed that this enactment is a constitutional duty conferred on the government under Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law, which serves as Hong Kong’s mini-constitution. The [...]


Peruvian law students from the Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco are reporting for JURIST on law-related events in or affecting Perú. All of them are from CIED (Centro de Investigación de los Estudiantes de Derecho, a student research center in UNSAAC’s faculty of law dedicated to spreading legal information [...]